The Heart

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To lazy to change the font every time a different persons speaking so now its all normal. The same font for the Estabans and if they're thinking though.

Corans POV

It's terrible all the Paladins and the Princess are happy that Lance is now gone. What did he ever do to them?! Lance is the best Paladin here! Or well was......

I watch as the Princess, Shiro, Keith, and Pidge run out the room in excitement with Hunk slowly following behind.

"Number 3!" I shout for him to come over.

"Y-yeah Coran?" Hunk stuttered nervously.

"Don't you think this is wrong? Lance was your best friend after all. Don't tell me you really don't care if he dies are not." I question.

"'re right Coran he is my best friend...was my best friend I mean...but...h-"

"But what Hunk?! Do you really believe what the rest of the paladins are saying?! Do you really think that life will be better without Lance?!
Lance was the heart of this team and will always be, even if none of you noticed I did! Tell me Hunk was Lance not the one who's shoulder would always be there for you to cry upon and tell your worries?!

"N-no you're right ....he's helped me in so many ways but I've never shown appreciation.....I've only ever told him to leave me alone and stop being annoying. Oh god what have I done!?"

"Listen Hunk it isn't  your fault, it's all of our faults....even mine. But together we can make the others realize what their doing wrong and if it doesn't work I believe we'll be able to rescue Lance ourselves!"

"Thanks Coran if it wasn't for you I don't think I'd realize what I was doing...."

"No problem my young lad. Now who do you think would be the easiest to knock some sense into?", I asked as we walked out of the room towards the hangers.

"Uhmmm.....I'm not sure but Pidge...maybe... I mean they always thought of Lance as a sibling before this voltron thing happened....." Hunk answered while fiddling with his fingers.

"Well OK then young lad. We better hurry along before they start to get suspicious!"


With that we ended out conversation and sped walked down the halls and into the hanger. Hunk and I entered to see everyone huddled.around the blue lion, who still had its particle barrier up.

"Princess what is wrong?" I ask as I step next to her.

"This lion isn't taking its stupid particle barrier down!" She yelled angrily, "I AM YOUR PALADIN TAKE DOWN YOUR BARRIER!!"

Of course it's not going down, princess as much as I love you you don't deserve to be a Paladin

"Princess yelling isn't going to change anything. How about you guys all go rest for now and try again tomorrow?"

"Fine. Everybody go and rest, we'll try again tomorrow!" She yelled at the rest of the Paladins.


Hunk and I walked towards Pidges room instead of heading towards our own designated sleeping chambers.

We come to a stop in front of their room and Hunk knocks, "Come in." Pidge voice rings from inside. Hunk and I enter to see Pidge sitting at their desk on their laptop, "Hey Hunk... Coran..? What'd you need?"


"As much as what you told me is true he had it coming he's been slacking off too much." Pidge says shaking their head in disbelief.

"Apologies Number 5, but he has been training harder then any off you have and ever will! Not only has he been training more but he's also the only one who's unlocked other bayard forms!" Coran then argued.

"Lance has been going through so much of pain because of you because of ALL of you. Every time you call him names, like useless, retard, and idiot,
he starts to feel more and more like he deserves to be dead. And he's a strong boy but after a while even the strongest people weaken...." Coran shook his head solemnly.

"I-What!? You're joking right?" Pidge sputtered.

"What about?"

"I- we h-he wants to die!?
B-be-because of us!?" Pidge stuttered with wide eyes.

"Sadly no he really does, I have to tell you guys something."

"What is it Coran?" Hunk asked looking towards him with curiosity.

"A few movements ago, late at night, I was wondering through the halls of the castle trying to tire myself out from the stress of all the battles lately and passed by the training deck. Inside I saw Lance batting against Level 48 robots and well, he was amazing, he switched his bayard from a blaster to a crossbow in mere Ticks and easily took them all down. I never talked to him about it afterwards but i believe that Lance has been hiding something from us because he is scared none of us will listen and judge him badly..."


Lances POV

After the disgusting purple gorilla left I was left alone to think, my thoughts jumping from Voltron probably wont come get me to, how can I escape to get back down to earth. Just as a plan started to form in my head the door slid open and there stood the disgusting witch known as Hagger.

What will happen to lance??? Will Pidge decide to help Coran and Hunk?? continue reading to find out! 

Finally an update! I am so sorry guys! I've been getting really lazy with updating, but I'll try my hardest not to make you guys wait as long.😟😢🙏🏽

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2019 ⏰

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