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September 9.

Michael hadn't talked to me in two weeks. I tried to not let it get to me, but it did. Ashton could tell me a million times that he'd come around, but I just didn't see that happening. He wouldn't even stop by the book store anymore. I asked Cassie if she had an knowledge of his whereabouts, but apparently, they were still ignoring each other.

I would've tried talking to Calum, since he's his best friend, but I didn't even have his number. So I gave up on trying. I didn't want too. Michael may seem like an asshole to other people but I love that boy like he's my brother. That's the kind of feeling I had; like I lost a family member.

Despite being upset about Michael's distance from me, I still enjoyed my days with Ashton. He'd bring me lunch since Michael didn't anymore. Though, he himself had work too so the only time we really got to spend time together was at night. Normally we'd end up drawing on each other, maybe mess with each other, or even just dance around to music in our underwear. I know, it sounds lame, but there are times we'd just make out; which isn't lame at all. Ashton recently had become fond of showering with me, which I didn't mind. Even in there we acted like complete idiots. Every time, without fail, he'd change the water to cold. Really it was just a clever excuse to get me to have my naked body up against his. Horndog. didn't care though, I was getting used to it anyway.

Ashton had arrived at my apartment shortly after I had gotten home from work. He was sporting the glasses he hadn't worn in a while. It was so dorky, but admittedly adorable. However, when my eyes landed on him, something seemed off. He looked like a nervous wreck.

"Ash, are you alright?" I asked, concern washed over my face. He sat down on couch a few feet away from the door. I followed, sitting down on his lap, and placing my hand on top of his.

"I'm fine...just...I just need to ask you something." the moment he said that I felt my stomach drop. My fear was that he was leaving again and I didn't want that. At the same time, it simply wouldn't make sense for him to leave me without having a good reason for it. These past couple of weeks with him have been nothing but good; we had no arguments or stress weighing us down. Still, I was worried about whatever he had to say.

"You're not-" I began, my breath hitching in the back of my throat.

"No, no, I'm not leaving you, again if that's what you're thinking. My mum wants me to visit her...back in Australia." He finally confessed. I narrowed my eyes at Ashton, not understanding why he was nervous about that.


"She knows I have a girlfriend...and she wants to meet you." Ashton explained. Was he serious? This was why he was so anxious?

"And that bothers you?" I quirked an eyebrow at him.

"Well...a little..." He mumbled, not bothering to look at me. Looking away was rare for him to do, so I was rather confused when he did so. It wasn't hard for to figure out that he was worried about something. I wasn't sure what it was or what it could possible be, but it made me a little nervous too.

"Well...why is that?"

"It's just my mum is...unsure about the girls I date now, especially after my last long term girlfriend-fell out of love." Ashton explains slowly, biting down on his bottom lip. Sure Ashton has had his grouchy moments but he's never been the nervous type. Seeing him on edge like that was just odd and out of character.

"Well she may like me, you never know. Besides, even if she doesn't like me, who is she to say who you can and cannot love?" I added. Ashton releases a heavy sigh, shaking his head. From what it looked like, my comment didn't change his mood. Part of me desperately wanted to ask him what exactly happened with his ex girlfriend. But, remember what happened last time I pulled that shit? Yeah, not a good idea.

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