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Six Months Later

The rest of the year went well. Ashton and I were finally able to get things under control. I eventually forgave my mother and got over the fairly new news of my accident.

We didn't get married till mid December. It was rather small and was in Ashton's mother's yard, back in Australia. Ashton being Ashton surprised me with a little touch he added to the set up of the wedding. He hung up star shaped lights above the yard that it was in. And when I walked up beside him, he whispered, "for you my little star," which almost made me cry.

The little surprises didn't stop there, though. After the wedding on our way back to the hotel, he took out two passports and two plane tickets.

"What is this Ashton?" I furrowed my eyebrows at him, confused by why he was handing those to me.

"For our honeymoon, little star. What better place to go than Paris, France?" My eyes instantly widened as I took the ticket in my hands.

"Oh my god, Ash...how did you afford this?" I looked up at him questioningly.

"I had been saving up money for a while now." He smiled brightly, his hand traveling up and down my waist. I shook my head in disbelief at him before placing my hand on his shoulder and pulling him in. "I love you far past the biggest star in the universe." He whispered.

"As do I, my lucent star ." I giggled softly then gently pressed my lips to his.


One Month Later

After a month or so we decided to move to Sydney, Australia. My mother wasn't very pleased with it, but I didn't care. From day one I made it clear that she couldn't argue with me on my decisions, but that didn't stop her. Day after day she would continuously tell me I was making the wrong decision by moving to a completely different country. Our relationship didn't get much better after the apology I received from her.

I did whatever I could to keep her close but she never seemed to make an effort to try and be in my life. It was upsetting. I waited for weeks to get FaceTime call from her after we moved to Australia, but she never did. One day I was So upset about it that I came home one day, crying. It didn't take long for Ashton to notice the behavior. He instinctively came to my side as I sat on the bed sobbing.

"I don't understand, Ashton...does she just not care anymore?" I whimpered.

"Some people don't change Rynnie. If I could change her mind about everything I would." He spoke in a hushed voice as he engulfed me into a warm, secure hug.

"I just want her to try..." I mumbled under my breath, my tears beginning to stain his t shirt.

"I do too, Ry- are you okay?" He cut himself off when I started to squeeze his hand suddenly. Within a second I drew back, let go of his hand, to cover my mouth. "Rynn..." He asked again, but I didn't even respond. I ran into the bathroom and over to the toilet. Ashton soon followed only to see me leaning over. "Rynn are you okay?"

"I don't know I feel nauseous." I breathed, leaning back against the wall.

"...are you feeling sick?"

"No...I'm not sick. I know I'm not but- wait what's today's date?" I questioned, looking up at him nervously.

"January tenth. Why?"

"I haven't...I should've...oh my god..." I started panicking, my breath becoming quicker and my heart starting to race.

"What's going on?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

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