chapter eighteen.

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It's been a week since Ashton's birthday and we had hung out a couple of other times after. Most of the time we ended up lying in bed and talking to each other about random things. I had suggested we go star gazing again but Ashton was against the idea. He told me he didn't really want to drive out there again. I guess maybe it was a trip he was willing to take only every once in a while. Nonetheless I enjoyed his company a lot and I had grown rather attached to him; but not clingy. I'm just not the clingy type.

Work was the usual; Michael would drop by and bring me lunch sometimes. Not surprising he would complain about how Calum is kicking his ass at FIFA again. Big shocker there.

Whenever Michael wasn't being an annoying little brother, Lillie was complaining. Recently she's been talking my ears off about how Michael keeps bothering her. The whole time that she rambled on, my mind wandered off, thinking about Ashton. I was in so deep that I wasn't paying my friend any attention; terrible I know.

This day wasn't any different from the others. Lillie and I decided to have a night out, so we went to a local bar. Besides, I still had yet to tell her about my rather heated day with Ashton on his birthday.

I still couldn't get that night out of my mind. It was actually quite hilarious how oblivious both Michael and Lillie were. I mean it was so blatantly obvious that Ashton and I had a little heated moment. There were marks to prove it. To be fair though, my hair generally covered them most of the time. By the time I was hanging out with Lillie at the bar, they were completely gone.

"So what's been going on with you and Ashton, lately?" She asked, taking a sip of her drink.

"His birthday was last week, so I spent the night with him." I smiled as I received a flashback of what happened that day. It didn't take long for Lillie to notice the light pink color appearing on my cheeks. She narrowed her eyes at me and a smile spread across her face.

"What did you do for his birthday?" She smirked. Knowing Lillie, she probably thought I had sex with him, but being that we had only known each other for a month and half, I simply wasn't interested in doing that. But that isn't to say I'm wasn't ever going to.

"I took him to the beach at night. The water was actually kind of cold...but we somehow ended up making out there and yeah he left a few hickeys." I confessed, laughing at the fact that she had no idea about it.

"Woah, hold up! He gave you more than one hickey? Lemme see your neck!" She leaned over and removed my hair from my shoulder. Of course, she frowned when she realized that they had faded away. "Why didn't you tell me sooner? I didn't even get a chance to judge his marking skills!" She pouted.

"Marking skills? What the fuck is that?" I scoffed setting my glass down briefly.

"I wanted to see how swollen those hickeys were! No, really how did they look?" She propped her elbow up on the bar counter. I chuckled at her interest in the whole matter. I don't even know why it mattered how my hickeys looked. But, I don't know maybe she has a strange fetish for hickeys.

"I mean they were dark purplish and so obvious...I don't know how you didn't notice them." I laughed. Lillie shook her head in disbelief.

"So what you're saying is, he's a good with neck bites and shit, right?" A smile played upon her lips again.

"I mean in my opinion, yeah." I said.

"Did you give him any?"

"Yeah...I left, maybe, four or five." I admitted, looking down at my lap shyly.

"Damn look at you, making your mark on that hot Australian ass!" She exclaimed. I covered her mouth trying to keep her voice from telling the whole world about my relationship with Ashton.

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