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The video was a success. Views piled in as well as comments and subscribers. The CPM was back on track too. All I had to do was keep the consistency.

Anyway, after yesterday's downpour by yours truly, George called asking if I wanted to watch some fireworks in celebration of his mates birthday. I accepted, of course.
Dressing up in jeans and a windbreaker, the excitement I felt was new but welcoming. I was dancing around George's flat waiting for him. Alex and James were planning their podcast, getting interrupted when I pranced past. George emerged from his bedroom, dressed in a hoodie and jeans as usual. I threw myself into his arms and he spun me around.

"Aight, lesgo." He chuckled, eventually putting me down.

The little get together was up in Liverpool where his friend, Dan, lived. So, George and I took the train. I was glad he knew what he was doing because trains still baffle me and I'm 20. He knew exactly what platform to be on at exactly what time. It was like he'd planned all night. George was bouncing on his toes while we waited, claiming he really wanted to get a seat before the business people would. He was not a fan of standing on transport and to be fair, nor was I.

We did get a seat on the train, it was one with six seats and a small table. We obviously sat opposite each other. George explained what the initial plan was that Dan had in mind, it was pretty chill: fireworks and fire pit. I asked millions of questions about his friends and he warned me which ones to stay away from but he said that Nina and Josh would be there as well as him so if I had any problems I had people to go to.

"My one rule is, babes, no flirting with anyone." He stated, smiling. I giggled and leant closer.

"And why is that, bub?"

"You may find some of them peng, but they've all got girlfriends."

"Well now I just feel left out." I joked. George smirked and looked at me, he had an evil glint that was undoubtedly and attractive intriguing, "What're you planning?"

"How 'bout you be my girl for a night? So we won't stick out."

"I like your thinking, pengting." I smirked back. I couldn't help but feel something in my stomach. It was warm and it made me tingly, like I wanted it? It was like fluttering.

"Great minds think alike, piffting." And we laughed together followed by smiling softly at each other. We just sat for a while, just looking into each other's eyes. I never realised how blue his were. But not a classic bright blue, they were whiskey, gunmetal blue. They reminded me of the lake I used to jet ski in when away on adventure camp. The good times I wish to go back to when I was 14 with no worries or stresses. My youth. And RIP to it.

We arrived at the designated location and I hadn't realised I was holding into George's arm again until his mates teased him to which I responded by grinning and giggling. I met some nice people: Tee stood out the most, she was Dan's girlfriend. She was nice and genuine. I'm going to call her Blonde Beth (aka George's friend), and she was a laugh. Doug and Gareth were literally the chuckle brothers, always picking or beating each other up and Dan was just a fashion icon. I really wanted his tartan trousers. Then I turned my head and I wish I hadn't. My heart and stomach dropped as I saw the real reason why f/n wasn't in the same life anymore: Beth, whom shall be identified as Bastard Beth with brown, curled hair, sickly green eyes and a face caked in makeup that didn't look as nice as Tee's. I knew what she was here for already. It's so cliché: takes one person important to me away and then attempts to take the other. Little did she know I wasn't letting George go. He was mine.

I ignored her for most the night anyway. The fireworks were the best part, in my opinion. We all stood in a group as we looked up into the charcoal sky. George had his hand firmly on my hip as I hugged his side.
The fireworks were remarkable. Spirals of gold, rain of red, patterns and dances of greens, blues and yellows with a tint of orange too. They illuminated the sky, giving it colour and beauty. Dan seemed to like it too, he was smiling. So was Tee, and Nina, Josh, George and Blonde Beth, everyone. I found it relaxing, mingling with people around my age and getting on fine. The final firework was a big boy, one of those ones where it silently flies up and the explodes into a fountain of gold. It was that point where George pulled me closer to him and mumbled to me.
My world paused as all I could hear was his voice and my heartbeat.

"Let's cut the acting crap, be my girl? For real?" His voice was low, making me blush. The firework had just exploded when I gave my honest response. Something I thought I'd never reply with again.

A kiss.

Our lips collided like a perfect melody, dancing in sync while my arms roped around his shoulders as his wrapped around my waist. And we kissed until the firework died. We pulled away smiling as Nina and Josh cheered and clapped. Tee gave me a sweet smile while George's friends swung their arms around him, giving him noogies.

We had all calmed down once the fire pit was lit. We sat around in a circle on garden sofas, cuddled and cosy. George's arm was around my shoulder while my head lay on his chest, my fingers fiddling with the drawstring of his hoodie. Gareth was telling us a story about Dan from when they were 14, which was actually hilarious and embarrassing.

"You alright?" George whispered. I was surprised. I must've looked bored or down or he was just checking up. Either way, I was more that alright.

"Yeah. I have you and that's all I need to know things will be alright." I smiled. He placed a chaste kiss on my lips. I felt a heated glare come from Bastard though. I knew she wanted to make a move on George but she knew he would find it weird. She wasn't dumb. She was smart in dangerous ways especially when it came to getting what she wanted.

The train journey back to London was quiet. George and I sat on our phones most the journey. That was until he fell asleep, head in his hand while his elbow rested on the table. I took a photo for my personal Snapchat (since I didn't have one for YouTube) and put hearts above his head for fun.  I smiled to myself and saved it to my memories, just like I had done with the other photos and videos of that night. My plan was to print them all out and put them on my 'Wall Of Happy Times' which was a wall of photos from different times and events over the years that reminded me that things will be alright and if I were even feeling down, I would look at to lift my mood a bit. It was a happy gem to me. And George was going to be a part of it. He made me happy. Things were going to be alright.

Because I had George.

I had George.
Holy shit this has more reads by the day not joking I'm so happy.

This will probably be the happiest chapter not gonna lie.

Thank you all.

WillNE smut coming soon to subscribe btw

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