The Stars That Night {9}

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                I stretched a little and poured hot water into my mug, sticking a teabag in and dropping down at the kitchen table. Michigan laid at my feet, licking my ankle before bumping my leg with his head.

                "Mich, no, I am not sharing my tea with you," I said, patting his head with my foot.

                "There you are," mom said, coming into the kitchen. "Late night?"

                "Yea," I said, rubbing at my eyes. "Sorry about that."

                "It's summer," she said with a shrug, handing me the honey to put in my tea. "As long as you let me know you're staying out late, I don't have a problem with it."

                I knew that wasn't entirely true, but my mom was generally a little more lenient about how late I stayed out during the summer. Anything past two in the morning was a little excessive in her eyes, and she'd start messaging me to come home. But I was grateful she'd even let me stay out that late.

                "Did Mr. Wilson ever get ahold of dad?" I asked.

                Mom sat down with her coffee and nodded. "He did. He wanted to know about some wine. How is Roan? You go there more than he comes here."

                "He's good," I said, even though I hadn't talked to him since I left last night. I guess I should probably call him and try to work things out. My parents always told me they made their relationship work through the hard times because they took a step back to inspect their anger, and then came back together to discuss it and work it out with each other.

                "Will you be home today?" mom asked.

                "I'm not sure. I haven't really talked to my friends or Roan yet," I said, sipping on my tea. "Where's dad?"

                "Working out in the garden. I'm going to mow the lawn when I finish my coffee and then help him. If you're going anywhere, just let us know before you leave," she said.

                "Sure," I said, getting up. I should really go call Roan.

                I went upstairs and sat on my bed, grabbing my cell phone. I dialed Roan's number and held the phone to my ear as it rang.

                "What's up?" Roan answered.

                "I'm sorry about yesterday," I said. "But it really does bother me that you'd rather be on your phone than, you know, hang out with your boyfriend after you complained about that boyfriend not coming over."

                "This again?" he said with a sigh. "Yea, sure, I'm the bad guy. I bought a movie I knew you liked even though I didn't want to watch it. I invited you over to cuddle while it played. I just wanted you there, just you and me. But, yea, I'm the bad guy because I was on my phone for a little."

                I opened my mouth, but hesitated and closed it. He had bought the movie just to be nice. And I knew he hated watching horror movies. Was I just making a big deal of this?

                "I was trying to do something nice for you, and I end up as the shitty boyfriend," he said.

                "You're not a shitty boyfriend," I said, feeling defeated. "Just...never mind, Roan. I'm sorry."

                "I want to do nice things for you, Garrett," he said. "When you react like that to them, it bothers me."

                "I'm sorry," I repeated. "Next time we can watch a movie that you want to watch, and avoid the whole issue, okay?"

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