The Stars That Night {12}

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                "Hey, mom?" I said, entering the living room. "I have a question."

                "Hey, son? I might have an answer," she said, setting down the book she'd been reading. "Wait, I have a question first, too. Does Akira's mom come home today?"

                I nodded. "Yea, Kaito is picking her up from the airport. That's why Jack and I didn't sleep over last night."

                "Oh, good, I'm glad. I'm sure Mr. Riku and the boys have missed her," mom said. "Alright, now what's your question?"

                "What's a good food place to take someone?" I said, sitting on the coffee table in front of her.

                "Date with Roan?" she guessed.

                I shook my head. "Jack's neighbor. His...Well, the guy his lives with thinks we're friends. Or I think maybe he wants this kid to have more friends. I don't know, but I thought it'd be nice to get lunch with him."

                I left out the part about us burning his arm. No need for mom to know I was getting into that kind of trouble with Jack.

                "Well, why don't you take him out to that little sandwich shop you and Roan like? It's cute in there," mom said. "You can go get ice cream after."

                I tried to think it over. The sandwich shop was a good idea, but ice cream not so much. My favorite ice cream place was in the south side, and while it was in a more secure part of the south side, you never knew who you'd run into. With Silas's reputation, it might not be such a great idea. Still, I could always take us for ice cream somewhere a little safer.

                "Thanks," I said, getting off the coffee table. "Does dad have Michigan?"

                "He took Mich for a walk," mom said. "So, who exactly are you going to lunch with? I'm so use to you hanging out with the same three people."

                "Quality over quantity," I said.

                "You're absolutely right, but I'm your mom and I'm nosey, so get talking," she said.

                "Jack's neighbor, Silas," I said.

                She furrowed her brow. "I didn't know Jack had a neighbor your age."

                "He lives with Ray Edmon," I said.

                "Oh, Ray!" mom said. "I thought he lived alone. You should ask him about that gym he owns. He teaches self-defense classes."

                "I don't need a self-defense class," I said.

                "It never hurts to know it," mom said. "Especially with the trouble you and Jack like to get into."

                I blushed a little, hoping she hadn't heard about any of our recent firework incidents. "I'm going to head over there. Bye, mom."

                "Text me if you're staying out," she said.

                I nodded and left the house, swinging my car keys around my finger. There was no guarantee that Silas would even be home right now, but it couldn't hurt to at least check.

                Besides, this was a good day to do it. Kaito and Akira would be with their mom, so it was a good chance that Silas would be at home. Plus, I had the day free, since Jack was off doing something with his dad.

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