Chapter One: Meeting On The Worst Circumstances

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Chapter One: Meeting on The Worst Circumstances

It was early morning in Washington D.C. Stiles and Lydia didn't receive a blink of sleep after the scream. It was honestly a surprise that the neighbors didn't come rushing at the door but given the busy roads and that they were busy catching the sleep that they didn't get it made some sense. The couple sat in silence around the table with a cup of coffee in their hands. Lydia is the first one who gives up the deadening silence.

"I thought the supernatural things were behind us. Beacon Hills needs us again and I'm tired of that."

"Yeah," Stiles says thinking, "but you know maybe... maybe there is a chance that Liam, Mason or Corey could mend the problem." Lydia is silent considering this but gives up.

"No, I can't do that, I had a vision that I saw everyone in Beacon Hills slaughtered... like bitten."


"Yeah..."Lydia drifts off and gets into her own head and Stiles knows that she is in need of a distraction. Stiles could always read Lydia, even to the point where Lydia herself didn't know. Stiles leans in to hug her as if he was trying to mend all of her broken pieces of her together. Lydia sighs it was not enough Stiles then litters her with kisses onto every part of her body. Lydia then catches on kisses him back leading into passionate kisses. Stiles picks up Lydia the kisses get deeper and wilder.

"I want to be distracted, distract me Stiles," Lydia says out of breath. Stiles' heart races as he took her up to their room. When they were finished Lydia and Stiles were breathless.

"Stiles we'll have to tell Scott."

"I know."

"And I love you."

"I think I know that too."

The two shared a small kiss before they parted to phone Scott.


At Beacon Hill's High School Liam, Mason and Corey stood by the area where the body was killed.

"The woods are just behind the school so it could have been anything or anyone drawn in by the nemeton," Mason speculates.

"Well it isn't the first time a body has been killed here and it probably won't be the last." The three were familiar by his voice. It was Theo Raken. Liam walked over urged to the point where he could punch his face in daylight.

"You're not still mad are you Liam? We were a good team last supernatural problem."

"Yeah but you left straight after." Corey chimes in trying to be helpful. Theo hesitated but explains.

"I needed a break from Beacon Hills but I am back and I want to help you again."

"What's in it for you," Liam asked highly suspicious.

"Just some company. Where's Scott, Lydia, Malia and Stiles."

"Just like you they decided to go far away from this place." Mason said.

"Then what about you three?"

"Beacon Hills was finally safe, we wanted to make sure of that."

"How brave of you," Theo then looked at the school entrance, "I guess I'm not the only new one here." The three follow Theo's gaze to see two handsome men standing with matching rings, they looked like brothers. The four of them all felt to keep an eye on them, new people are quite dangerous in Beacon Hills.

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