Chapter Twelve: How Do You Counter a Wild Card

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Chapter Twelve: Let's Avoid a Bloodbath

Mindy didn't fully understand the full depth of the situation she was in. She found out how to avoid his manipulative gaze by a book Parrish lied around when they were together. She felt like a hostage even though she was steps ahead of him. 

She decided to wait a day til she and the other boys escaped from him in a safer way and a way that wouldn't prompt him to go looking for her. She decided to do whatever he told her to do and that when he was ready she would escape with the others to not draw suspicion to herself or to make him want to hunt her down again. 

The tasks he ask or more so commanded her to do were quite easy now that she had a grasp on her unexpected powers. She did many things like tracking spells and other spells that he wouldn't tell her about. This went on for a couple of days until Gerard seemed satisfied. 

Tonight was the perfect night to escape. 


"Do you know where my jacket is?" Malia asked Scott scavenging for it. They were together again tonight but things started disappearing for Scott and it was now affecting Malia as well. 

"I have no idea but if I find it I can bring it back to you, maybe at your place?" 

"It's my dad's place but yeah." 

"You don't like your dad?" Scott asked with the most curiosity.

"It's complicated, he wants me to go to college but I want to go back to Paris or travel to Venice. I don't like being tied down to Beacon Hills." Scott nodded but felt deeply hurt by it. Were they even a couple or would Malia go back to Paris forever and Scott to live by Beacon Hills for his mom and for the town. Scott knew that he approved of her happiness however. 

"I think you should go to wherever your heart desires, Paris or Venice as long as you are happy about it." Malia smiled happy he said that. She then gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I think we need to check in with Luke," Scott said trying to move forward from the conversation. 


When the two went downstairs to greet Luke he was caught up with the Damon and Stefan. Luke was pinned against the wall with Damon's hand around his neck. 

"Guys, what are you doing?" Damon and Stefan turned around to see Scott and was a bit surprised. 

"I thought you were out," Damon replied. 

"Do you know this vampire, he was hanging around your house." 

"Yes we know him," Malia rolled her eyes at the two of them, "his name is Luke and he would probably appreciate it if you put him back down." Damon smiled coyly to Luke and let go of him letting Luke to the floor gasping for breath. 

"You know vampires and werewolves don't mix." The voice that was quite known to the group finally made an appearance. The group looked towards the direction of the voice only to have him show himself more, it was no other than Gerard. 

Damon's first instinct was to lunge at Gerard, so he went with his instinct. Although he felt a force stop him in his tracks preventing him from reaching out to grab his heard or snap his neck off in a heartbeat. 

"You underestimated me once, that's the only chance you get." 

"What do you want, really want, maybe this doesn't have to get out of control," Scott pleaded with Gerard. 

"Oh but it already has. You still think you can get peace when it comes to me but it doesn't work like that. I want power, Scott and you are always in my way." When he said that he looked to the Luke who was quivering in fear. 

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