Chapter Eight: Blood is Spilled

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Chapter Eight: Blood is Spilled

Scott, Lydia and Stiles go to Deaton's to get the necessary information. Whether a witch was behind this and even to the extent of accusing him as the witch. Scott didn't believe to the darkest place in his mind that Deaton would be doing all of this on purpose. 

The worst thing Scott could think of was that he was being forced to do this whether by threat or by compelled to do these things at the gaze of Gerard's eyes. Terrifying. 

Although the first thing that Scott could sense when he was on the perimeter was the smell of blood and by the time they walked into the vet clinic - with the closed door sign on - the others could smell it too. They all ran to the back on the store to see Deaton on the floor, alive but bleeding. 

Scott was the first one to run to Deaton - his role model and guide - and put his hand on his to heal his pain. The pain shot through Scott's veins in a black tube of poison it woke Deaton up a bit to see his savior. 

"Thank you, but taking my pain will only benefit us for a short while. I'm losing blood and I'm starting to crash." Deaton was dying and Scott was not having it. Scott would not hold onto someone he love and watch them die again before Scott started to panic and bell was rung and a vampire was at Scott's side, Stefan. 

Everyone watched as Stefan bit his wrist and fed his blood to Deaton. It was gross to say the least but it was working. Deaton was starting to heal at a rapid rate and the blood he was losing replenished itself giving Deaton's face a lively colour. Once Deaton had sat up by himself no longer weak he wiped the black blood off his face. 

"Just don't die again and you'll be fine in 24 hours," Stefan replied standing up. The others were shocked at what they saw except for Deaton because it seemed to be that he knew everything supernatural. 

"What do you mean die again?" Stiles asked too curious for his own good. 

"If he were to die again without me around he would become a vampire of his own," everyone looked to Deaton who was washing up his own blood, "well it's a bit more complicated than that, he would also have to feed into his instinct to have blood but once that happens; heightened senses and the thirst for blood for the rest of his life, or more so immortal life." 

"Nothing I would recommend," Deaton replies dryly. Stefan nodded and walked away. 

"Where are you going?" Scott asked. 

"The vampire was here," Stefan replied, "so he must be somewhere close, I have to go find him." With that statement Stefan ran off faster than a race car and with the determination only a vampire could carry.  Leaving Scott, Stiles, Lydia and Deaton to tend with themselves. 


Malia was running through the woods. It was something she always yearned to do, knowing every trail, every track and where things were secluded just for her. Although while running through the back trail of the woods a twig was snapped. 

This alerted Malia as she started to hear and sniff for danger. She smelled dead flesh etching closer and closer to her at an alarming rate. Although she was able to pin point the direction and saw who the dead flesh belonged to, Gerard. 

"You stopped wearing the mask," Malia stated looking at his scratched up face. 

"There wasn't any need to." 

"Look are we just going to banter back and forth because I have places to be."

"Like Paris?"

"Yeah, so if I could just kill you now I would appreciate it."

"Well I'm a bit busy today." 

"Then why are you here?" Gerard walked closer, Malia wiggled her nose from his scent. 

"I'm going around and maiming everyone who Scott loves, only then will he give up."

"Well that's pretty shitty of you," Malia responded. 

"Yeah it is!" Malia and Gerard look towards the sound and it was Stefan who had found the source of the exclamation. 

"Unfortunately for you Gerard, I'm stronger and faster than you, so trying to hurt anymore of Scott's pack is off the menu."  Gerard started to run away through the woods. 

"We'll get him later," Stefan chuckled, "we should start to focus on the people in Beacon Hills now, we need to protect them and your pack overall." 

"Why are you so interested in our pack," Malia asked. 

"You guys just seem to work well together, I've seen werewolf packs and how they work but you guys are different. Anyone can join in and nobody is really superior, I mean Scott's the alpha but he is more of a guider than a commander." Malia agreed. In truth she loves Scott, he is more than an alpha to her and more than friend. She loves him and she hopes he feels the same for her. 


Theo felt some sort of deepened hate for Hayden Romero. Theo couldn't pin point it to her personality - however annoying it is - there was just something more. Jealousy.

Hayden decided that if she was going to be in Beacon Hills she was going to stick by Liam side and she meant every word. She was always at Liam's house even so far to the point where the parents would poke fun of Hayden and Liam being together. Liam would always deny it but Theo wasn't sure if the spark would be lit out forever. The two for sure had history together and what he had learned from school was that history repeats itself. 


Scott received a call from Argent once Deaton was safely placed in the hospital. Opposed to the other things that had happened today Mr. Argent seemed a bit happier than the usual tone he had. 

"Bring Lydia, Stiles and even Malia with you to the house, there's a surprise waiting for you guys." Scott smiled and did as he was told. The four went to the house in anticipation for what was waiting for them but they weren't prepared for this. 

The four first found Argent smirking and Melissa smiling as well. They were confused until they noticed the tall stranger who turned out to not be a stranger, it was Isaac. 

Scott was the first one to give him a hug. Isaac felt happy about it, Scott was his mentor, friend and brother by choice. 

Stiles was next but Stiles couldn't help by look at his growth. So he decided to blurt out this question.

"Do you still wear scarfs?" Isaac chuckled and decided to hug Stiles despite the tension that went on between them throughout the early years of high school. He then turned to Lydia who in return gave him a small smile. They were never friends in fact probably the opposite when Lydia rejected him but even her appearance, choosing to wear jeans oppose to skirts and letting her hair down instead of putting it up in advanced braids. 

"You've definitely have changed," Isaac said and when Isaac spent too long looking at her Stiles cut in taking back that hug he gave him. 

"Okay move on man she's my girlfriend." Isaac and Lydia rolled their eyes as Isaac moved on to Malia who ran up to hug Isaac leaving everyone confused. 

"You two know each other?" Scott asks in which Malia and Isaac nod. 

"I met him in Paris." Malia says in which Isaac replies, "oui!" 

"Just met with each other," Stiles asks feeding into his curiosity. Malia and Isaac both glare at Stiles applying that they in fact had just met each in Paris and nothing else. Stiles got the hint and stood back. 

Scott didn't feel jealous at all, he knew both Malia and Isaac well enough to know that they would be honest if they were in a relationship and probably very open about it. Lydia just felt sick, she thought that if she were to ignore her problems she wouldn't feel as physically sick but at last it wasn't true for some reason. Stuff was moving forward but she couldn't help but feel stuck to the past or have something from the past carrying with her to the future. 

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