Chapter 11: The Calm Before The Storm

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Chapter 11: The Calm Before The Storm 

Scott was prepared, he carried vervain with him and even a wooden stake even though Scott wasn't hoping to use it at all. He was on Gerard's trail from help from Stiles or more specifically the Sheriff. 

Scott followed his scent and the prior knowledge of Gerard's whereabouts to the woods. Where the nemeton lived as well as the other vampires. A classic hangout for someone who likes to be with the supernatural and to spy on the others that resided in the town. 

On the trail he started to hear many other things that started to alarm him. He then heard something coming towards him, fast. He embraced himself for it and when the thing arrived he grabbed them and forced them onto the ground. 

"Please I'm so... hungry." The plea soften Scott up a bit. The person looked like a kid squirming in fear. The kid didn't even look like they were going to try and fight him. Scott felt some compassion, maybe the kid was like him, scared and alone. Scott remembers having his moments of weakness, hurting his friends when he first became a werewolf. Maybe this kid was just like him. 

Scott's eyes glowed and the kid felt even more scared. Scott then did something he was pretty sure no other werewolf had done before, he used his claws to cause a cut, a cut to bleed. Before the cut could heal he had the kid suck some of it to cause him to live. Although Scott did have to rip his hand away when he started to feel a bit faint. 

"Come with me," Scott beckoned. 

"Oh thank you, I'm Luke." 

"Scott McCall." 


The tension was thickened for Theo and Liam the next day. Breakfast itself was tense and all it involved was eating, it didn't help that Liam's parents were there watching them awkwardly. 

"Couple's spat?" 

Theo spits out his water. 


Mason and Corey were a bit occupied at the moment. They regretted them leaving because instead of being safe from the vampires they fell into Gerard's trap and they were the bait. 

One moment they were looking at food to eat and the next moment Gerard is at their door and taking them somewhere else, somewhere far from where they were sleeping but closer to Scott and the pack they could feel it in their bones. 

Mason missed them though, especially Liam who Mason wanted to help but figured he was doing more harm than good with the situation. 

Now he felt like he was doing more harm. 

He and Corey were tied up to the ceiling but were not battered at all or at least not as of yet. When Gerard walked into the room all the happiness and hope seemed to be sucked up. 

"Glad you guys have decided to be here," he joked, "if only you could heal like the vampires and werewolves, I have to keep you in tact until the pack comes here. Until then, hope you like the wallpaper." He left giving shivers up their backs in fear. 


Another meeting was held at the vet clinic with everyone who could help there. In the center of it all was Luke, the new vampire who had been able to overcome Gerard's plan of destruction. Everyone came in except for Melissa who showed up to the group a bit later with a box of things in her hands. 

"Here Scott, the blood bags you asked for." Melissa shook a blood bag causing the young vampire to look hungry at it. Melissa noticed the vampires face start to change and dropped the blood bag in shock giving Luke the change to grab it and drink from it. 

Melissa looked scared and Chris went to comfort her. 

"He's fine mom I promise he's just... a vampire." Luke would have responded reassuring her he wasn't going to hurt her but he was too busy feeding on the blood in a bag. Salty and sweet nothing he thought he would ever say about blood. 

"So he was part of Gerard's plan, to infest Beacon Hills with... him?" The pack nodded except for Chris and Melissa. 

"No, there are more, probably back ups." They spoke from experience but didn't tell them that. 


Mason and Corey felt a bit bored with fear taking up most of their emotional capacities. They didn't want anyone to get hurt and they didn't want to die. The thought of their death was interrupted when a girl stepped into their room and started to untie them. Mason squirmed scared to move, scared to figure out what was going to happen next.

"Stop squirming I'm trying to get you free." 


"I'm not part of his plan to let them bait you, we have to go now, we have to -" she was interrupted by Gerard again lurking in the dark. 

"Oh Mindy I thought you were better than that, wiser than that." He then went up to her face, Mindy tried to look brave but she was brewing up a plan in her head, a plan to defeat him. 

"Mindy, tie the boys back up there and then leave, don't remember this conversation." Mindy turned around almost like a robot and did as she was told. Although she gave the boys a playful wink to show she wasn't actually being controlled. 

They were temporary relieved but didn't know their future which might be the scariest thing about wars and battles the presence of the unknown. 

*Short chapter but the next one is the final-ish so the action will be intense.* 

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