Chapter Thirteen: Epilogue

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Scott and the others who could be damaged by wolfs bane ran away. Leaving Chris, Damon and Stefan left. Chris hated vampires but he did prefer those two over his dad. He cocked his gun at Gerard who looked at him with calm in his eyes. 

"You wouldn't shoot your father, would you Chris?" Chris scowled at him. 

"I think we are passed that point of kindness to each other." 

"I think so too," Gerard pointed his gun at Chris, "you may not be a werewolf but this can be twice as damaging anyway." Scott was behind him and took this opportunity to grab the gun from him. It happened to work.

"Are you going to shoot me Scott, with flower dust bullets? I think I can handle that." 

Chris from the other side of him pulled out a different gun and shot him, a wooden stake dispenser sort of a gun. It hit him but it didn't kill him. Gerard then pushed Chris up against a tree. 

Stefan and Damon tried to get to him but were blocked by the force that got Damon back at Scott's house, even Luke tried but didn't get close to him either. It wasn't that long until Parrish showed up with Mindy. 

"Nice and easy Gerard," Parrish yelled with another wooden stake dispenser. Gerard wasn't fazed until Mindy gasped. 

"Wait Parrish, shoot me instead." Parrish eyes were wide open at that statement. 

"Are you insane, no!" Gerard stood idly watching hoping he wouldn't do it. 

"If I get shot he'll be going down in seconds." 

"No!" Parrish insisted with the gun. 

"I will get hurt both ways, Parrish, I won't run."  In response to this Parrish dropped the dispenser on the group to signify peace. Mindy however picked it up and pointed it at herself.

"No!" Gerard cried as she then shot herself in the chest. 


"Stiles!" Lydia felt a wave a panic and death surge through her. Stiles ran up the stairs as fast as his legs could carry him. 

"What! What happened," if it hadn't been so much of a serious situation Lydia would have laughed at his sense of worry over her. 

"Someone is dying, but Gerard is... dead." 

"Actually dead or like his death last time?" 

"Dead dead," Lydia gleamed, "Stiles, they did it!" Stiles was happy but went back to the person that was dying. 

"Who's dying though," the gleam was wiped off Lydia's face. Stiles grabbed the phone. 


Scott felt the pain Mindy had go through his veins. It burned but he kept on with it since he didn't want to lose someone else. Scott didn't think he could handle it. Chris was tending to his head wounds as well with Liam and Theo helping him out. 

Stefan and Damon could finally go up to Gerard so they did what any normal vampire would do, they snapped his head off and took his heart out for good measure. The spell was broken between the two people anyway so what was the point of being considerate. 

Parrish looked hurt himself even though there wasn't any physical marks or any pulled muscles on him. He couldn't believe that after everything Mindy was the person who was with Gerard for a few days and it ended up with her bleeding on the grass. 

"Parrish," Scott called out to him. Parrish snapped out of his daze and went over to hold up her head. 

"She's going to bleed out we need to get her stitched back up," Parrish nodded frantically to Damon's suggestion. 

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