How You Met - Levi

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It was Levi who saw you first during the battle of Trost district when the cadets of the trainee squads were working with the Scouting Legion. Titans were swarming the city after the Colossal Titan had appeared and kicked a hole through Wall Rose. Levi was taking in the situation from a rooftop when he noticed two titans, a twelve meter and an eight meter, sluggishly moving North toward the supply depot a few buildings down.

"Filthy scum." He muttered carelessly as he launched his wires in their direction. He was swept off his feet by his gear and began flying toward them, perfectly lined up with the nape of the twelve meter. With his blades drawn and focus set, he was ready for impact, when a wire from someone else appeared from thin air from the South. A battle cry sounded from the rapidly approaching person and Levi's eyes widened, realizing that this person wasn't about to change their course and that if he didn't change his, they were sure to collide. He reluctantly made a last second break for a nearby rooftop, feeling irritated that someone had been so reckless that they didn't even check for other soldiers. As soon as he landed, he turned around to figure out who the lunatic was.

What he saw was most definitely not what he'd expected to see. The nape of the twelve meter had been sliced immaculately, despite them having the disadvantage of coming from the titan's front side. Another blast of gas erupted and Levi watched them do the same to the eight meter. Again, they lined up, they swung, and they severed the nape flawlessly. Much to his surprise, the unknown soldier was wearing a cadet jacket, though they had the skill of a well trained scout. The cadet landed on a rooftop a few houses down from Levi and it was when they began to scour the streets that he saw their face.

As he presumed, they were a she. She moved with an elegance and speed that most men are too bulky to pull off. Her expression was a mix of concern and worry, framed by Y/H/L Y/H/C hair. Levi knew she hadn't noticed him by the rawness of the emotions she showed.

She called out to a group of her comrades before taking off yet again, this time toward the supply house. He had heard a few hours ago that it was territory now claimed by the titans. Seconds later, a red scarf bearing girl and a two toned screaming boy launched themselves after her. Levi watched her lead the attack along with the other two across the rooftops until she faded from his view, and realized that the agility she had shown earlier was more than just a lucky few strikes. Every titan in her path fell slain and the distant thumps even after she left his vision told him that they were continuing to do so.

Levi didn't see the unknown cadet again until majority of the military was acting as bait on the wall surrounding Trost, using themselves to lure the titans away from Eren in titan form while he plugged the wall with a boulder. He was discussing battle plans with Erwin when he noticed a familiar head of Y/H/L Y/H/C hair, and immediately told Erwin that he'd finish their conversation later.

"Cadet!" Levi demanded at a volume loud enough to get her attention.

She seemed to have jumped slightly at the tone, then stopped and turned around to face him. His battle worn, bloodshot eyes met her scared ones. For many cadets, this was both their first real battle and first time seeing a titan. Looking at the way her one knee shook slightly as she stood in an otherwise firm salute, he couldn't help but remember his own horrors seen throughout his own years of fighting the same battles. It appeared she had noticed his observations, for the shaking of her knee came to a stop and her posture straightened with a newfound confidence.

"Yes, sir!" She replied without a single quiver in her voice.

"This one knows how to handle herself," thought Levi, "an exceptional skill to not lose your head on a mission, especially your first." He looked her up and down again, then around to many of the crying cadets surrounding them.

"What is your name?" He barked.

"Y/F/N Y/L/N, sir! I serve under the 104th trainee squad!" It was difficult for a bystander to miss how closely they were both watching each other. She was watching him like a predator, he was watching her like an insect in a glass.

Without a word, Levi pulled out a small pocketbook and wrote it down. He glanced up at her sharply again, seeing her stand uncomfortably in the same salute position as before.

"May I ask what you need, sir?"


"O-Oh. Thank you, sir!" She sounded slightly disappointed, but more confused as to why he, of all people, had picked out her, of all cadets.

"Who would you like to serve under next?"

Without hesitation, she responded. "The Scouting Legion, sir! It would bring me great pride to serve for the good of humanity to reclaim Wall Maria!"

He was surprised in all honesty. Rarely does a cadet still want to do something like that after a first battle as bloody as this one had been so far. "Your skills in battle were exceptional today and would be impressive for an experienced scout, though much more for a trainee. I will keep your name in mind in case I need a replacement on the special operations team."

Her face lit up the second the words left his lips. He saw her expression, then turned to continue his talk with Erwin.

"Thank you sir! It means a lot!" She yelled after him.

"See you around, Y/L/N." He said quietly as he looked down at the floor. Little did anyone else know that it was to hide the blush he felt creeping up his face and the small, genuine smile that appeared for the first time in years.

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