How You Met - Eren

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You and Eren didn't properly know each other since it was only your second week of being in the 104th squad, but you'd seen him around during training. The night before, Commander Shadis had made you run laps until almost midnight for accidentally breaking one of the 3DMGs. No matter how many times you tried apologizing and offering to do other things instead, he had his mind made up from the second he discovered what you'd done. The morning after, like always, training started early, and you knew you couldn't let him down again. You thought the other girls in your barrack would have woken you up, but it seems as though they'd been too preoccupied arguing over who gets to use the little hot water available in the showers.

After the shower feud, the girls finally began to trickle into the mess hall and while they made their way to the warm bagels being served for breakfast, Eren had other thoughts. Normally he would see you talking to Krista or laughing at Sasha for quite literally drooling over her breakfast. Watching you from afar had quickly become part of his morning routine since seeing someone be so positive and radiant during the even darkest of times made him feel better about his situation. Like everything was going to be okay again. He soon noticed that you weren't anywhere to be seen and excused himself from his table to go find you.

Eren wandered around the stables, the training grounds, and even peeked inside Shadis's thankfully vacant office when he realized that you must still be sleeping. 'If I go into the girls barrack to look for some girl who I've never even spoken to before and get caught, I'll be known as a creep for the rest of my life,' he thought to himself. He was about to turn around and head back to Armin and Mikasa when he remembered seeing how furious Shadis had been when he saw that you'd broken the 3DMG. He couldn't imagine the punishment you'd get if you slept in too. More so, he couldn't imagine how guilty he'd feel if you got punished for something he could have prevented. In the end, he sucked up his pride and quickly made his way to the girls barrack.

Lucky for Eren, no one else was near to see him skulking around the building. He knocked on the door, but as he did it creaked open, having already been open ajar. It was there when he saw you curled up in your bunk, fast asleep without a care in the world.

"Hey, wake up. You slept in." He called from the doorway, not wanting to enter.

No response.

He knocked on the open door a little louder. "Wake up."

Again, no response.

With a sigh of frustration he reluctantly walked over to you and shook your shoulder gently. "Hey, you slept in."

You woke with a start and your sleep deprived eyes met his teal ones. "Shit! What time is it?!"

"Six forty-five I think."

"Fuck! Training starts at seven!" You leapt out of bed and hurried to put on your uniform.

"Are you going to be okay or do you need me to stall?"

"I'll be," you paused to grunt as you threw your shirt over your head, not really caring if Eren saw you in a bra considering you had bigger problems, "fine!"

Eren forced himself to avert his eyes to the floor and awkwardly made his way back through the door frame. 'What have I gotten myself into? She probably thinks I'm a pervert too now.'

"Wait!" You called. Eren paused. "Can you clip this?" You ran outside fully dressed now and turned your back to him with two straps in your hands. "Sorry, normally Sasha does this for me."

Eren nodded and clipped them together securely for you with pink ears. "Y-Yeah, it's okay. Are you good?"

"Yeah, we can go now. Thank you so much, I really appreciate you saving my ass this morning." You both began to speed walk toward the Mess Hall.

"No worries." He replied with a chuckle.

"Y/N." You offered your hand out to him. "I've seen you around but I don't think we've really met. You're in the 104th too, huh?"

"Eren." He smiled and shook it. "Yeah, it's not bad. It's like I finally have a chance to actually help humanity. Plus, we're getting fed."

You chuckled in return. "I like your train of thought. Speaking of food, I need to grab some before training. Thanks again, Eren, I really owe you big time! Good luck today!" With that, you waved him goodbye and jogged into the mess hall.

"No problem, see you around, Y/N!" He waved and watched you go as he slowed his pace down, thinking about the new friendship sparked between you both. 'Maybe she doesn't think I'm creepy after all.'

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