The Dog Tags

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K a y c e e 's P o v

I ended up getting pink drinks for the girls because I felt bad just getting myself something. Of course they accepted them because who can resist a free pink drink.

"Hey girls have you seen my dog tag?" I asked searching through my room

"What does it look like?" Tahani asked

"It's black with white words" I replied

"Is this it?" Tati said holding up my dog tag

"Yep" I said walking towards her

Tati held it up to the light and read what was engraved on the front

"But when it heals it beats for you.." Tati read with a confused tone

Hearing those words again flipped on a switch..I totally forgot who gave that to me..who was it..oh my lord I'm going blank.

"Who gave that to you?" Tahani asked

"I honestly don't remember but I think they have a matching one or something" I said slipping it over my head

i knew enough

This thought was now going to bother me for the whole day..I just couldn't remember who gave it to me.We suddenly hear bangs from next door so we decided to next door to see what's going on

"Oh my lord what is going on in here" Tati asked walking through the bathroom

"Julian dropped the headboard" Gabe said glaring at him

"It slipped!" Julian yelled back

"Do you guys not know how to set up a bed?" I asked

"That's a no" Gabe answered

"Stand the headboard behind the bed frame with the padded side facing the frame..position it so the bolt holes on its legs line up with the bolt holes" I said directing them

"Now what" Julian asked

"Slide a washer onto a bolt. Put the bolt into the hole in the headboard and push it through so it extends out the hole in the bed frame. Slide the second washer onto the other side of the bolt, and screw a nut onto the end then do the same thing to the other leg" I said pointing

"I'm obviously interrupting something" A familiar voice said from behind me

"Nope not at all K is just teaching the guys how to set up a bed frame" Tahani said with a laugh

"Hold a wrench in each hand. Use one wrench to hold the bolt head steady, and turn the nut with the second wrench until it is tight.. then do the same with the other one" I said making sure it was sturdy

"Tighten this one a bit" I said pointing to the left leg

"Oh hey" I said turning around

S e a n ' s p o v

Where'd she learn to do that..?

"Oh hey" She said turning to look at me

It was the girl I ran into earlier the one who had the familiar laugh..I still don't remember who had that laugh..

"Well it was nice seeing you again but we gotta go" 'k' said with a smile

As she was walking away the guys walked over to me and introduced themselves but all I could pay attention to was a dog tag that was laying on the ground..she must have dropped it. I waited till the guys walked away to pick it up though..It was just a plain dog tag with white rusted words that I could barely read..It kinda looked li-

Wait..I reached for my dog tag and set it on the table next to the mystery girls

Mine, of course, said "You can break my heart in two" but I couldn't make out what her's said..I think it says "but what I feel it beers for two"...But when it heals it beats for you!'s but when it heals it beats for you!

"That's her!" I accidently said out loud

"Who's her?" Julian asked

"The girl that was helping you.. I think I was in love with her when we were 16" I said showing them the dog tags

"Here I'll show you" I said taking out my phone

I search up my name on youtube and try to find a picture of the girl and I..I'm blanking on her name so it's a bit hard

"She said her name was Kaycee" Gabe said pointing at the video titled "Sean Lew and Kaycee Rice's cutest moments on camera"

The video played and all the memories came rushing back..Kaycee Rice..

"What's going on in here?" 2 girls asked

"Phew it's just you" Julian said pressing play on the video

"Oh my-" The first girl began to say

"cheeze" The second one finished

"Sean?!" The first girl called out

"Tahani and Tati..I should've guessed" I said shaking my head

"Ya'll were so cute back then" Tahani said looking over my shoulder

I sighed and looked back at the video..the next clip was the very first dance class after the car crash on Christmas..It's all coming back to me

"We have to tell Kaycee" Tati began

"No!" All of us said in sync

"You guys..I think I have a plan" Gabe said suddenly

The room filled with silence as we all looked at Gabe

"How about tomorrow you two tell Kaycee that someone found her dog tag outside.. but it's really Sean's not hers so then maybe she'll look at it during classes tomorrow and be like this isn't mine..but it is the matching one so she'll have to figure out who has hers" Gabe said looking at all of us

"That's the only smart thing that has come out of your mouth since 2018" Julian said with a chuckle

Tati and Tahani look at eachother and smirk

"We'll do it" the said in unison


I lay on my mattress that is currently laying on the floor pondering of the plan and how it will turn out..I mean I know that we're never gonna go back to the way we were because this isn't a do-over or a sequel to what happened 5 years ago..well I guess it's worth a try..what's the worst that could happen..

A/n I hope you guys liked the first chapter.. if you have any critiques feel free to dm me them :)

Has anyone else seen To all the boys I loved before?




hands down the best movie of summer

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