An Unexpected Injury

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K a y c e e ' s  P o v

Sean and I had been watching our old dance videos for most of the ride but we still had a bit to go. I told Sean I was getting a bit tired so I decided to take a quick nap...which turned into a deep sleep. So it's 3 am right now and I'm not even tired..but everyone else on the bus is sleeping so I really can't do much. I jump down trying not to make that loud of a noise..but of course, it didn't work that way

"Shit..ow" I said as I fell weirdly on my ankle 

"Crap it's bruising already" I whispered to myself

I can't let anyone know that my ankle is hurt..especially Sean because I need to practice for the specialty performance at the end of the week. I slowly tried to get up so I could get to the bathroom to at least try to wrap my foot. I usually do choreographies barefoot or with just socks on so that's gonna be a struggle. Oh dear..please just don't be broken


It's been about 4 hours since I hurt my ankle jumping down from my top bunk I've done well at hiding it from everyone so far but I feel like Sean is catching on. I go to the empty bed in the back which is the lowest bunk and close the curtain so I can see if it's any more bruised then before

it was

It was turning like black and blue everywhere..I might need to tell someone


don't do it

do it


you have to

I was battling with my conscience as I rubbed my ankle trying my best to make it feel better. It's better to wait..right?

"What's up Kayc?" Will asked as the bus slowly pulled over

" nothing just scrolling through Instagram" I lied

Thankfully I was looking at ways to hide a bandage on google at the time so he was mostly focused on my phone, not my ankle.

"In a random bunk? " He asked

"I didn't feel like climbing" I said with a nod

"Lazy ass" He said with a chuckle as he walked away

"Oh we're here by the way" He added

"Shit" I mumbled to myself

I slipped on some tall fuzzy socks so you couldn't see the wrap on my ankle and slowly sat up. 

"You ready Kayc?" Sean asked as he handed me a coffee

"Yep..oh thanks" I said accepting the coffee

"So you ready for the first day of figuring out the choreography?" He asked as we all got off the bus

"Yeah yeah..totally" 

That's a lie

"Alright, so whomever is performing this weekend you get this studio..only one group?..oh yeah our specialty performance..Sean and Kaycee..we're all counting on you two have fun" Janelle directed

"But not to much fun" Tahani added pressure at all

"Sooo have you thought about the concept?" I asked so he wouldn't notice my limp as much

"Yeah a bit" He answered as the bus drove off

We reserve the room for about 3 hours so we still have about 2 hours to go see our old houses. I'm just hoping that I can make it through the first 3 hours..


"Ka..cha.en" Sean said before-

"Ahh..ow!" I said rubbing my ankle

"Oh my lord are you ok Kaycee?" He asked with a concerned look in his eyes

"Yeah.. I'm  fine" I said as he looked at my ankle

"What the hell" He said pulling down my sock

"It's nothing" I said pulling it back up

"No it's something" He said helping me up

"What happened Kaycee!" He said in a fearful tone

I guess I have to tell someone

"I woke up today around 3 am.. when I jumped down from my bunk which you know is like 8 feet up the wall.. I fell on my ankle and it's just been like this for the whole morning" I said as he helped my over to the bay window

"We need to get you to the hospital it looks broken..or at least fractured" He said frantically trying to find shoes

"No no..the last time this happened I didn't dance for a whole year...I don't need this" I said

"But I need you..and I don't want to just throw you away as I did all those years you said the last time you got injured you couldn't dance and I left you in the dust..i'd rather not do that again" He rambled with a smile

"Ok..fine" I said with a smile


We're at the hospital waiting for the results of the x-ray..cross your fingers

"It's like we're waiting for the gender of our baby" Sean said with a smirk

"Watch yourself lover boy" I said pushing the side of his head

"So..good news and bad news" The doctor said as he closed the door

"Ok..?" I said

"It's not broken but it is fractured pretty we need to put it in a boot" He said

"Um is there anything smaller than a boot..I need to do a specialty performance this weekend..we're on tour" I asked

"Yeah we have a stabilizer would you like that?" He asked in response

"Yes, please that would be ideal"  I said

"It will be a bit so sit tight" He said as he hands me my x-ray picture

The doctor leaves the room and I fall back onto the little bed with a sigh

"You ok?" Sean asked sitting me up

"Yeah I'm just peachy" I said putting my hands over my face

"Just know..i'm here with you every step of the way.." He said with his hand on my thigh

"Stop acting like I'm pregnant" I said with a laugh

A/n Sorry for being so inactive I've been busy with school and shit


my birthday is in like a month

I don't wanna be 17

I wanna be like 12 again where I could go downtown with my friends without a care in the damn world

now i'm like


what college am I going to?..what am I going to major in? am I ever gonna fall in love again?


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