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*There is a bit of pov change in this chapter so I'm sorry in advance*

K a y c e e ' s P o v

Tahani, Tati and I have early classes today so we had to wake up extra early but I wasn't getting up without a fight

"Kaycee not again!..someone found your dog tag outside" Tahani said pulling me out of bed

"I don't know how I keep losing it" I said slowly falling asleep on the floor

"Wake up you lazy ass" Tati said lightly kicking my side

"Fine" I groaned

It's early and I really don't care what I look like so I just threw on a crop top and some joggers

It's early and I really don't care what I look like so I just threw on a crop top and some joggers

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"You still staying away from coffee Tahani" I asked raising my eyebrows

"Yeah no..to hell with that plan" She answered with a laugh

"Then let's go get some coffee so we don't die these next couple of hours" I said grabbing my lanyard

"Did you get your dog tag?" Tati blurted

Tahani quickly punched her shoulder...I wonder what's up with them

"Yup" I said holding it up to them

"We should see if the guys wanna come" I added

"No!" They both yelled

"Okay then" I said unlocking my car


All three of us got coffee and drove to PA otherwise known as Performance Arts. The guys are in the same class so I guess I have a good chance of sitting next to people I somewhat know. I luckily know the professor very well because he was friends with my mom in high school so I may be able to get away with some stuff.

"Mrs Rice" Professor LaMine laughed

"Hey Professor" I laughed as well

"What's up Kaycee" He said giving me a hug

"Hey Kyle" I said hugging him back

"Feel free to sit with your friends..I honestly don't care anymore" He said with a chuckle

"Thanks Kyle" I said skipping steps as I ran up them

"Hurry your slow asses up" Tahani said to the guys as they walked in

Tahani and Tati scurry in front of me to get to the end of the row. Gabe, Julian, and the guy I ran into yesterday came up to the same row we were in and sat next to us

"Hi stranger" The random guy said greeting me

"Hi again" I said with a smile


Kyle was teaching and all of us were listening to music and taking notes which is just a normal day in the life of a college student. I was fidgeting with my bracelet as Kyle taught but I eventually got bored and went to my dog tag

S e a n ' s P o v

I saw Kaycee start to fidget with her..I mean my dog tag so I pull out hers from underneath my shirt. She looks down at it and I think this is when she notices it because she kind looked confuzzled and a bit startled

K a y c e e ' s p o v

What the hell..my dog tag says something different then it usually does..it says "You can break my heart in two"..oh..my..god.

"I gotta take a second" I said to everyone by me

I get up from my seat and give kyle a "just give me a second" type look as I walk out of the class into the hall. This isn't happening..I don't believe it my dog tag says "But when it heals it beats for you" The one I'm wearing says "You can break my heart in two". So if you put those two together it says "You can break my heart in two but when it heals it beats for you" which was something me and a guy back in Los Angeles would always say to me but I just ca-


It was the guy I ran into yesterday..

"Oh hey" I said with a smile

"Mind if I sit?" He asked looking at the spot on the ground next to me

"No go ahead" I said looking back down

He sat beside me and reached under his shirt to pull out a-

"I think this is yours" He said pulling out my dog tag from under his shirt"

That's why Tati and Tahani we're so obsessed with my dog tag today..

"Maybe this will refresh your memory" He said standing up

He reached for my hand..I took it and he stood me up. He turned around and wrote something on a piece of paper..

"Not bad new kid" is what it wrote

"Oh my god..Sean..Charles..Lew" I said putting my hands over my face

"Kaycee Catlin Rice" He said taking my hands off my face

"You left me without saying goodbye..so i'm gonna go back to the apartment without saying hi.." I said pushing his hands off of me

That went..not how I wanted it to go..I sounded so mean and all I wanted to do was say sorry and hug him or even just say hi... I'm so stupid..oh my gosh Kaycee. I did see that he had a different phone but I knew Sean very well back then and he never likes changing his number so I guess it was worth a try to text him


The first thing I did when I got home was text Tahani to ask her to bring my backpack back to the apartment and tell Kyle what happened so he'll understand. I soon heard a slam next door..I glance over at the open bathroom door to see Sean..

I remember when Sean left I put his contact name as "Idek :(" so I texted that number

K: Hey I don't know if you still have this phone but It's Kaycee

K:Knock on the bathroom door 3 times if you see this

*Knock Knock Knock*

I felt him lay his back on the other side of my door and sigh

"Hey..I'm so sorry for what I said earlier..I was just really confused and I honestly still am" I said softly

"It's fine I would do the same thing"

"How about you meet me and Saltlake Park around noon and we can catch up" I said putting my head up against the door

"Yeah..I'd like that"

S e a n ' s P o v

I smiled to myself as I heard her get up and walk away..let's try this again..fate gave me a chance to fix what happened 5 years ago..so I'm gonna take it

A/n I hope you guys are liking the sequel so far and i'm gonna say this again I am so sorry for not updating Foster care I will try my best to get a chapter out this week. But like I said I'm trying to focus on this book

I start school next Tuesday..

I'm so excited..


I hate school so damn much

it's a living hell


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