Reminiscing Old Times

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K a y c e e ' s  P o v

"Ok then..So what if Sean and Kaycee, Gabe and Tati, and Julian and Tahan came on tour with us and taught separate classes for 2 months..all over the country"

"Plus Australia and the Uk" Alex added

We all just gave each other "The look"..and answered with-

"OF COURSE!" We all yelled so everyone's eyes were on us

"What about school?" Tati asked

"We'll talk to your professors and ask them to give you all assignments for the time that you are gone"  Janelle replied

"So go pack we'll meet you at your dorm houses in an hour with the bus" Will added with a smile

Well..that happened

Everyone walked away but Janelle soon stopped Sean and I before we left

" you two want to do our specialty performance next week?" She asked

"But specialty performances require the people performing to choreograph.." Sean questioned

"That is correct" Janelle said tapping her foot

"7 days..7 days to come up with a perform in front of how many people?" Sean questioned once again

"The fox theater seats 2,800 people" Janelle said looking down

" days to create a duet for 2,800 people to see.. I'm gonna have to talk with Kaycee about that..we'll tell you our answer when you pick us all up" He said with a smile

"Everyone would love to see you perform again..after your accident we never saw you dance think about it" She said yanking her bag over her shoulder

"We will" We both said with a smile


Sean and I have been talking and packing for the last 45 minutes but we still haven't made a decision.

"So you think we can do it?" I ask sitting on his suitcase as he zipped it

"'s just..we only have a week to choreograph a 2-minute dance to perform in front of 2,800 people" Sean said helping me with my suitcase

"We should try over..remember?" I said picking it 

"Fuck it..let's do this" He said with a smile

"My parents still live in the L.A house so we can go visit them" I said getting ready to open the door

"That sounds fun..I wonder if the balcony we used to hang out on is still there?" He asked knocking on Gabe and Julians door

"Get your asses out here" I shouted

"Yeah I think it's still there" I added

"Tahani, Tati and everyone else get out here the bus is gonna be here in like 10 minutes" Sean yelled

Right as he yelled that we heard a loud beep from outside

"They're here early!" I yelled opening Tat and Tahani's room's

"Geez calm your shit" Julian said opening their bathroom door

"You wanna say that again axe man" I said with my hand on my hip*If you go back to like the 3rd or 4th chapter of through the window you'll get that

"Touche" He said as we all left our dorm

"What's up my children" Janelle said getting off the bus

"Heyyy" We all replied as she grabbed as all for a group hug

"You ready to go to South Carolina?" She asked taking all of our bags to the built in storage bin

"Hell yeah" Sean answered

"Most definitley"

We all agreed and Janelle showed us to the bus


Sean and I have been unpacking at the end of the bus in our assigned bathroom for the past hour and a half. But Sean finished before me because he didn't have to organize 3 full bags of makeup. I'm surprisingly really tired so I'll be happy to sleep after we've settled in

"And I'm done" I said falling face first onto the couch

"Finally"  Sean breathed as he opened his computer

"What did you do Sean Lew?" I asked tilting my head

"Let's start phase one of operation do over...reminiscing old times" he said reaching out for my hand

"Oh dear" I said reluctantly accepting his gesture

I read the top of the screen

"Life's Treasure"

This was our favorite video compilation from when we were kids. Sean had made it a couple days before the crash..he told me that our relationship was life's treasure

"Sean Lew..How did you find that?" I asked with a chuckle

"Lot's and lot's of digging" He said with a giggle

"Play it then!" I said with excitement

I put my legs over Sean's as he plays the video..he handed me a headphone as he set his arm around the back of the couch so it's like a romance movie scene

"That was the day your parents got into that accident" He said pointing at the picture of us in the hospital

"And that was the day you asked me out" I said pausing the video

"Do you remember how you asked me out?" I asked

"Uhh...duh..that was the best day of my life back then" He answered 

The next half of the video is more kissing and hugging and lovey-dovey videos so I'm just worried that it's gonna get really awkward

A video of us flirting came on. What I mean by flirting is Sean was chasing me with his Gatorade but he eventually picked me up bridal style and kissed me..and poured Gatorade on my head

"You didn't talk to me for like 12 hours after that" He said with a laugh

I'm glad to see he's not tense about this..

But I'm scared that it's gonna go too far and I'm gonna end up like I was 5 years ago


A/n I'm backkkk. Sorry for not uploading lately I've been at a sleepover

but at thus sleepover I dropped my computer of the porch so it's been getting fixed

I know what your thinking




do you do that


I don't know

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