🥀Signs he is cheating on you🥀

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1. Your mate is more attentive to your needs than usual.
2. Your mate begins buying you gifts — lots of gifts.
3. Your mate's behavior is causing a gut feeling in you that something isn't right.
4. Your mate frequently picks fights with you.
5. Your mate constantly talks about your relationship ending when you fight or argue.
6. Your mate becomes very moody.
7. Your mate never talks to you.
8. Your mate's taste in music suddenly changes.
9. Your mate lacks self-esteem.
10. Your mate continually criticizes another person.
11. Your mate criticizes things about you that he or she once found attractive and appealing.
12. Your mate easily becomes offended at the comments, however harmless, that you make.
13. Your mate stops paying attention to you, your children and home-life in general.
14. Your mate begins closing doors when you are around, when before he or she would leave them open.
15. Your mate stops complimenting you on your looks.
16. Your mate stops saying, "I love you."
17. You mate acts guilty when you do something nice for him or her.
18. Your mate turns the table and accuses you of cheating but has no evidence.
19. Your mate would rather spend time with friends than be with you.
20. Your mate shows no interest in your relationship's future.
21. Your mate stops being affectionate.
22. Your mate is more interested in reading a book or watching television than talking with you or making love to you.
23. Your mate frequently talks about the problems a friend, neighbor, coworker, course instructor or classmate of the opposite sex is having.
24. Your mate begins using new catch phrases.
25. Your mate pays less and less attention to your children.
26. Your mate has been acting emotionally distant and withdrawn.
27. Your mate seems disinterested and distracted during sex.
28. Your mate talks in her sleep and mentions the name of a particular person on more than one occasion.
29. Your mate seems startled or confused when awakened.
30. Your mate's behavior is such that your friends begin asking you what's wrong.
31. Your mate easily becomes offended when you make normal and natural inquiries and may demand to know why you are checking up on him or her.
32. Your mate's sleeping pattern changes considerably from the norm.

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