🥀Things girls do that men hate🥀

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1. Snapchat filters, especially the dog one.
2. "I can't stand other girls, all my friends are guys".
3. Stop stealing my f*ckin' clothes. I go to get a shirt, oh wait no it's not there. Why? Because you "like to sleep in it because it makes you think of me". Dude you've got like 12 of my shirts, are you building a nest?
4. Order a f*cking salad at dinner then giggle as she picks at your meal.
5. Acting stupid, like truly stupid.
6. Taking hats. It's mad obnoxious and most of the time done in a very rough manner, like you just robbed my hat bitch and the whole reason I'm wearing one is cause my hair looks like sh*t today.
7. Claim they're not like other girls.
8. Don't touch my hair. I spend a lot of time on it, and don't need you to mess it up by rubbing your hand in it.
9. Baby voice. I hate it, just use your normal voice when talking to me, none of this stupid higher pitched tone.
10. Hitting us when we say something you disapprove of.
11. DUCK f*cking FACE selfies.
12. Bragging about how little they exercise and how sh*tty their eating habits are.
13. NOT F*CKING DECIDING THINGS. I asked you where you want to go, that means I want an answer other than "I don't mind, you choose".
14. The fake cute sneeze.
15. Septum piercings. They're not cute. They're hideous. Why are they even a trend? Who started this stupid f*cking trend of looking like a bull? Who finds that sh*t attractive? You look like you've got snot dangling from your nose for f*cks sake!
16. Acting 'weird'.
17. Going out of their way to make sure everyone knows how 'nerdy' they are. I feel like having to call yourself out as a nerd probably means you're not one in the first place.

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