It's Complicated - Lilo Mpreg

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It's Complicated.

Louis is laying tiredly in his bunk, hands resting on his lower abdomen as he stared tearfully across at Liam who had left his curtain open, the younger lad was currently asleep, his arms tucked under his face and his lips slightly ajar. Louis was trying to erase the image of today's events from his mind, he had never felt this shattered before, so scared and helpless, he was certain everybody was going to hate him.

He has refused to speak to anybody, and he believed the day was just getting worse. You see Liam and Louis have been in this complicated relationship for nearly six months, the two are very much committed to each other but management really doesn't want to have any of it, and the two find it hard to get time together. Louis of course had to go and stuff his whole life up, getting knocked up by Liam when the two had only been together for a short time, and now he is laying here crying silently with his hands laced around his one month belly that has already dropped some of its tone.

Louis had avoid Liam all day and told the lad they should take a break, even though he is so madly in love with the brown eyed lad and it broke his heart to say that too him, and Liam went to bed straight after, and Louis really doesn't know what he is doing with himself anymore. He feels sick, and he had been swore to keep his pregnancy a secret and he wishes he could grab Liam by the arm and say 'I know we have only been together six months but I am pregnant' and it might seem awkward but Louis rather Liam know then trying to live up to the task of keeping it hidden.

Louis was going to be doing this on his own, with nobody to help him whilst he also juggled touring the world with four other boys that he had to hide this creation from, he's scared, he has this reputation, and he is basically giving it up for a baby, he can't drink, when the time comes he won't be able to dance around on stage, there is certain foods he can't lay a finger on now and he has to somehow hide all this from everybody else, billions of fans who watch them like hawkes everyday of their life, he has to hide this from so many people and he is scared.

He is hiccuping behind his fully closed curtain by the time he goes over the pros and cons in his head, the do's and don't the if's and but's. He runs his fingers through his hair and rubs his eyes before he tugs the blankets up over his torso and tries his best to get into a comfortable position and he misses that usually this is the time he and Liam are cuddled up in the younger lads bunk, and he tempted to trundled across and slip under the covers but he remembers he practically ripped Liam's heart to shreads earlier that day and stays curled up in a ball in his own cold bunk. He can tell Niall and Harry are together in the bunk underneath and he can hear Zayn's soft snores and he wishes his life was as easy as their. He can't hear Liam though and he wonders weather he is thinking to hard as well.

Louis is woken at precisely five fifteen to his horrendous morning sickness which forces him out of his bunk and he is tip toeing as quick as he can down the wooden floors of their tour bus, his lips pale and as soon as he reaches the bathroom he only just managed to make it to the sink, he knows it's disgusting but before he can change anything he is heaving harshly into the crystal white rounded out dish, and his eyes are watery and he wishes he had somebody to rub his back and hold his hair, but instead he is doing this alone, trying to be quiet whilst he does so and when he starts to wash everything away he looks in the mirror and nearly dies.

Louis preforms terribly that night, his stomach is cramping and he has a pounding headache and he tells the lads he just had a bad night sleep, which was partly true, he usually was the first of the five to fall asleep first and now he barely gets any shut eye and he is hating it, he hates everything, himself, the people around him and how badly he has been cursed.

When he hits the two month mark he craves exotic foods and he is sneaking off the bus at twelve o'clock in the morning to drop by the twenty four hour 7 eleven, he buys a jar or Nutella and some mangoes and popcorn, and he usually doesn't like fruit very much, but right now he craves a mango and he questions what he is going to say when the boys ask. They know every little thing about Louis and one thing is for sure they know he hates mango, it honestly taste horrendous.

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