chapter nine

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It's Saturday and all I want to do is sleep,eat,watch Korean film and read wattpad after I said my fajr prayer I slept there on the prayer mat after I read Quran.I was enjoying my sleep having a good dream when salma cut my sleep short..

"faiza! faiza! wake up wake up"she said yelling my name and shaking me hard

"Ooooo what kind of thing is this now even weekend I can't get a good sleep"I woke up angrily

"dan Allah ki yi hankuri,Ahmad just invited me for lunch ne"she said excitedly

"Mtswwww what should I now do for you,where is he taking you sef??

"cilantro restaurant and lounge and he's coming with his cousin so kinda like a double date or something"she started throwing her clothes around looking for what to wear

"OoohI love that place,but double date?? With some one I don't know"i raised my eyebrows in suspicion

"well,he didn't tell me his name sha,but please please go with me"she was giving me the puppy eyes

"ugh fine,but you're paying for T.p"

"don't worry,na San ki da mako ai"

*I gave her my five fingers*

I got dressed on time,cause it's not my date I wore an abaya and salma took all the time in the world to get ready as if she's going for a wedding.we got there and the annoying part was that we had to wait for them to come.I was busy on phone stalking people on instagram wailing away time before they got here,they finally came after a long hour of keeping us waiting.

"we're sorry we had to wait for feul and the line was long"Ahmad said sitting down

I looked up to reply back and see my supposed "date" when I just shouted "WHAT THE HELL!!!" What is this mother fu**** doing here oh astagafurillah am swearing,why of all people is it yusuf that has to be Ahmad's cousin he himself looked surprised when he saw me he just kept his cool and sat down.salma herself was short of words.I knew it I should have just stayed at home and watch my Korean series than coming here.

"Faiza,what's wrong are you okay"Ahmad asked me pouring himself a glass of Orange juice

"Yeahh am fine"i replied looking at both salma and yusuf

"you sure,cause it seems you guys know each with yusuf" I didn't say a word to him, till when yusuf said..

"yeah she's my girlfriend"he said smirking

"was" I corrected him"wishing I could slap of that smirk off his face I got pissed off and stood up to leave when salma held my hand and mouthed please to me,I just didn't want to ruin this lunch for her and decided to stay.

"so how are you doing??yusuf asked

"Obviously am doing fine "i replied

"look I know you're..I cut him short telling him to shut up salma and Ahmad just sat there looking at our mini drama I didn't want to embarrass myself in such an elite restaurant,so I decided to keep calm.

"so uhmm firdausi broke up with me if that will make you feel better"he said,is this guy kidding me!

"well isn't karma a big bad bitch" I replied taking a sip from my juice

"Yeah I guess,but you don't look good after all these years I guess the break up affected you"he told me eyeing me from up to down just to try and provoke me..I needed to do something fast cause I can't let him get away with this immediately I threw the Orange juice I was drinking on his perfectly ironed white kaftan..

"what is wrong with you" he shouted

"faiza what's up with you now"Ahmad asked me while trying to help his cousin wipe the juice off his cloth I grabbed my bag and left.I was outside standing waiting for a taxi when I saw  Yusuf coming out of the restaurant with an angry look on his face.

"what is wrong with you? do you want me to apologize or what! He shouted

"okay listen here you son of a bit**, ya rabb what is wrong with me today I keep swearing oh astagafurillah !,you think I care about your apology or am happy to see you here just leave me alone I screamed back

"well well well,the one and only mallama faiza hassan is swearing I guess I had a good influence on you"he said clapping

"influence,tsk! I regret ever dating you in my life so do me a favour and leave!!

"haba baby,he said grabbing my hand

"if you touch me again I'll kick you where daylight doesn't shine on"i said evily

"Oh really,you know I haven't forgotten what you did to me at that restaurant the day we broke up right "

"aww are you still broke ?

" keep laughing I'll get you back someday,I'll see you around cutie"he said with a wink

Ugh this guy disgust me,I still wonder how on earth I dated him,though his face and all is so mashaAllah but his attitude is so astagafurillah.I got a taxi and left within less than a minute salma came in and started yelling at me while I was busy munching my bounty.

"Ahmad said I should apologize to you that if he had known he wouldn't have come with him"she was removing her clothes and telling me

"no problem,did you guys eat?i asked her

"no he felt embarrassed and we left, I can't believe my first outing with him was ruined God punish that yusuf,so do you want to talk about it"she asked me concerned

"nope"i replied her and started licking my bounty wrapper

"na u sabi sha,ouch! She yelled,I threw the bounty wrapper on her head..

*I laughed*

"sufyan zai gan mai kazanta kuwa"she said

"a haka yake sona"i smiled

Talk of the devil sufyan called me later at night on phone and we talked for a very long time,after that I joined salma and slept.

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