chapter sixteen

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We were done,like done with university as if it was not just few years back when we came in as "jambitos" and here we are today preparing to collect our certificate.the day of our convocation came and it was amazing,the atmosphere seemed different,the school was filled with different kind of people,from different parts of the country.As you walked by you could see families sitting down on their mats having fun.the convocation halll was also filled up people.we the graduating students all sat in our separate seats,after a very long boring speech made by different prominent people.we were called one after the other to collect our certificates.Alhamdullilah me and salma graduated with second class upper.our parents were so proud of us.
I went over to their salma's corner to greet her parents and help myself to some small chops.
We were all sitting and making noise. when Ahmad came surprising salma because she had told me he had some work to do.Ahmad is now a medical doctor,working in a private hospital in kaduna.I was really happy for him when I heard the news,he's such a sweet guy we actually thought he wont be able to make it cause he was busy with work but he made it suprising his fiancee.salma was speechless,they couldn't stop staring at each other like they were in some kind of Indian movie or something.

"okay okay we get it both of should just get married already" I said to them

*salma smacked me playfully with her hand"

"well faiza I have a surprise for you"Ahmad said as he handed me a white envelope

"ooh I love surprises"I collected the envelope and hurriedly opened it,as I opened it I saw a lilac invitation card that read
    The families of
  Alh muhammad bello(MMB)
Alh abubakar ismail mahmud
Invites you to the Nikkah ceremony of their children

  Ahmad muhammad bello
   Salma abubakar mahmud

Which will inshaaAllah  take place on Friday 21 December 2018@An noor mosque along ibrahim babangida way Abuja

Reception on 22 december at whitewalls tents and events


It was a very simple and straight forward card,the date was set already salma will soon be a bride!

"why didn't you tell me you had set date already"I asked them

"well we wanted to surprise you"salma said smiling

"and for you to be the first person to get the card"Ahmad chipped in

"Awwn I feel so special,Allah ya kaimu rai da lafiya"

"Amin Amin"they both said.

"Sufyan is still not coming?salma asked me as we walked around the school

"i still dont know he still hasn't called me yet or text me

" are you sure he's okay"

"well i called him the other time it wasnt going true"

"maybe its network inshaaAllah everything will be fine okay? she said as she gave me a re assuring


The rest of the day went by smoothly,lots of pictures were taken,souvenirs were exchanged  amongst each other,we ate and ate to our fill that day.our parents slept in an hotel while Ahmad had to leave for kaduna that very day,after accompanying him to the garage we went back to our apartment to i laid on the bed i kept thinking if he was alright cause he still hasn't called me yet.i said my prayers and prayed to Allah that everything was okay.

The next morning we all flew back to Abuja.We were finally done with uni the only thing remaing  was to serve.go to law school and settle would be easy for me inshaaAllah cause i already had a job waiting for me my dad got me one in a law firm.We got hone all exhausted and tired.i rushed to the shower to take a bath,i was cleaning my face with my hand towel when my phone rang:
" Hello?

"hello please am i  speaking to faiza?the caller asked it sounded like a young girl

"yeah who is this"i asked back

"am asiya sufyan's younger sister"

"oh hey how u doing"i remembered he once told me about her

"im fine but ya sufyan is not "

"*my heart skipped a bit* oh my God what what happened to him"i stammered a little bit

"he had an accident yesterday but Alhamdullilah he's fine,he i cut the call without even letting her finish her sentence.i quickly threw some clothes on me and ran out,i bumped into my mom accidentally on my way out.

"subhanallah faiza where are you rushing to like this"she asked me
"mommy am coming am going to the hospital my friend had an accident"i said as i shuffled into my slippers

"okay drive safely"she shouted

I started driving as fast as i could and called asiya on the way to tell me which hospital and ward they were,i started getting nervous a little bit and i felt bad also because he was on his way to kano when it happened.i shrugged off all my thoughts and concentrated on my driving.I got  to the hospital and that famous hospital smell hit me.I started searching for his ward until I found it.I held the cold door knob and pushed the door open.the first person I saw was his mom sitting on an armchair with her head down,I recognized her immediately cause I've met her before,I took another step forward and I saw sufyan lying on the bed with bandages on his head and a cast on his leg and different wires connected to his boy through a machine by his side that kept on beeping.I hadn't realized when my bag dropped to the floor making every one notice me more when I entered.I felt a little tear run down my cheek immediately I cleaned it with the back of hijab.I felt an arm over my shoulder,I turned around and saw it was his mom I bent down to greet her,and she motioned for me to stand up.

" my dear how are you doing? She asked me

"Ma I am so sorry for what happened if I hadn't had told him to come all of this wouldn't have happened"i rambled with tears in my eyes

"Shh it's okay my dear,it's already destined to happen and you can't change destiny now wipe your tears,it's not your fault"

*I sniffed*"how is he doing now?

"Alhamdullilah,asiya wanted calling you yesterday but I learnt it was your convocation"

"yes ma"

"congratulations Allah ya bada sa'a,we didn't want to ruin a happy day for you.

I learnt that sufyan has been un conscious since the accident,we still were waiting for him to open his members kept coming and going some with coolers in their hands,others with fruit.the day kept on passing by slowly,we went to the mosque to say our prayers,after which we decided to stay in the mosque,sufyan's mom was supplicating while I read Quran from my phone.Asiya was already asleep.minutes later salma showed up after I called her and told her what happened.
It was getting late already and we were still at the hospital,we stayed back to give his mom a bit of moral support.

"faiza you people should get going it's getting late I don't want your parents to worry.Okay"she said to us,I couldn't miss the sadness that was on her face

"okay ma,we'll come back tomorrow inshaaAllah"

"you can call me mommy it's fine by me"

"*I felt a warmth in my heart when she said that*,take care of yourself good night"

"thank you for coming,drive safely"

I drove back to our house,salma decided to spend the night at our place.I met my mom in the parlour,looking worried I told her everything that had happened,she comforted me telling me  everything will be alright.we went to the room to sleep and I still and I couldn't stop thinking about him cause I was really scared.I plugged in my head phones to listen to mufti menk maybe I'll feel a little bit better.

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