chapter twenty four

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Months had passed and we were beginning to forget  about baba's death umma had already completed her iddah.I stood by the mirror staring at my now big and visible baby bump that looked like it was about to fall off,i was looking like someone that's about to explode, i was already due for delivery this week or next i just waited paitently for the right's sufyan's birthday and i all i want to do is bake a simple cake for the both of us to stay indoors and have a peaceful lowkey birthday.i went to the kitchen to start baking,i mixed all the necessary things and popped it in the oven to bake as i cleared the messy kitchen.
I could smell my cake already i made a simple decoration on it with the words..Happy birthday hubby
I set the cake aside to cool and went in to freshen up.i wore a loose pink gown and a white turban,applied a little make up and waited for sufyan's arrival from work.minutes later he came back he freshened up,i presented the cake to him with two candles on top,i lit up the candles as i dropped the cake on the center table.

"Awww you shouldn't have baby"he said with his smile that i so much love

"Nahh it's the least i could for you today,okay my love make a wish"i said to him as he closed his eyes like a little boy and blew out the candles.i sliced up the cake and we settled down on the floor to eat.

"Wow!this is really good babe"he said as he licked his fork we talked and ate i started feeling a sharp pain at my back i wasn't feeling too comfortable i dropped my plate on the floor and laid my head on sufyan's leg,and he pat my back gently minutes later i let out a loud scream as my water broke,i started panicking sweating and a huge wave of pain washed over me..

"Oh God calm down sweetie no need to panic,i thought your Edd was next week why now"he said to me as he rushed to grab his car keys

"Well the baby decided to see the world today"i yelled in pain

"Woah am sorry sorry"

"Just get the hospital things"i yelled again

The drive to the hospital was rough and fast i squeezed sufyan's arm all through the drive i was sure i left a bruise on his arm after all the squeezing,we finally got there i was rushed to the delivery was an indescribable feeling and before i knew it i heard the cry of my baby it melted my heart the nurses were all congratulating me saying "it's a boy" that was when i heard the doctor saying there's another baby and it hit me i was having twins i was in pain but i smiled to myself and muttered yes Alhamdullilah I'm also having twins ya zainab wasn't the only one with twins in the family,after the hardwork i heard another cry then i heard "it's a girl".i Immidetly let out a loud breadth as i fell back on the bed,i got cleaned up and Alhamdullilah there were no complications whatsoever and i was due to be discharged in the evening. my babies were brought to me for their first breastfeeding as i held both of them in my arms i felt this happiness and joy knowing that yes these are children and I'm a mother now i couldn't stop looking at them they were my bundle of joy they were so small,cute,and fragile all curled up in thier blankets,sufyan came in and he kissed my head, i handed our babies to him he held them carefully as if they were going to break,he turned to me and said "this is the best birthday present"
He uttered the adhan in each of thier ears and named them he turned to me  and he said abdullah and ammatullah.i nodded and smiled happily the names were beautiful i stated,i started wondering where my family members were before i knew it they all came in with a big basket in halima's hand she dropped the basket immidetly she entered and shouted"Twins!!" and rushed to sufyan to carry one of them i heard him telling her to be careful he handed ammatullah to her.i hugged my mom as she came to the bed with a huge smile on her face

"Momma i got twins too"i squealed in excitement

"Yes my love,MashaAllah Allah ya raya su a Adini musulunci"

"Amin amin so momma what did you bring"i asked peeping the basket

"It's tuwon shinkafa and egusi soup"as she served me i could see the steam coming out of the cooler and the aroma filling the air,i devoured the food hot and started sweating like someone that did one manual work,just then ya zainab came inside the room..

"Assalamualaikum sorry am late i was busy with food"she held a basket also when she came the fun part about delivering is you get all kinds of food from diffrent people.

"Why are u sweating like this har kin samu karfi?? She asked me as she went to see my babies.

"*i laughed* yesso i just ate hot tuwon shinkafa and washed it down with one big cup of thick milo tea,ya zainab it's now equal i also have twins" i said sticking my tongue out

"Yeah yeah but i got twins first i wish baba was here he would have been very happy"the room went silent for a minute until she spoke up again"were u thinking of food in the delivery room that you've been eating anyhow"we all burst into laughter it was nice seeing the whole family laughing happily again..

So i hope i didn't make the pregnancy part look easy😬..but this chapter is too all the mothers out there may Allah(swt)bless them and the pregnant ones i wish them a safe delivery and those looking for may Allah bless them with children..Amin👏...don't forget to like,share and comment❤

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