Chapter One.

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It's day one of our family vacation. My family simply consists of Dad and I. I do have a mum, heck she's still in my life but she prefers to work rather than be with her family. It's the way its been the past 15 years of my life. We emptied our belongings into our hotel rooms before rushing off to the beach - Bondi beach. It's the place to be.

As dad drops his belonging and runs to the water i lightly place my towel down and empty off into my bikini before lying down. The sun beaming down on my pale english skin. The waves flowing across the shore being an anthem for my rest.

It had only been twenty minutes when I realized i should check on my dad. He's like a child , honestly. Squinting ahead in to the water , expecting to see him swimming but not spotting him at all. Where is he? I jump to my feet , throwing my glasses off and running closer to the water. I notice his head bobbing barely above the water. He was in trouble. I can't even swim, how am I meant to help him? I look around me , searching for any kind of help. My breaths quickening and eyes becoming teary as I panic and fail to find anyone.

Then he came. My hero in blue. Running past me and in to the water. A board in one hand as he jumped into the water with no fear. My breathing pausing as i watch the moment before me . The topless lifeguard had reached my dad and had pulled him on to the board. A breath escaped my lips with the feeling of relief. I picked up the light blue shirt he had discarded as he rushed to save my dad. Folding it in my hands as i reached for them both to reach the sand.

As they both headed towards me I ran towards my dad , hugging him.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? Wh-" Questions flowing out my mouth with a sense of urgency.

"Dani please. I'm fine. Nothing to worry about, it was a close one i must admit but I'm fine now" My dad responded.

As I processed the situation I realised i was still fiddling with the lifeguards blue shirt in my hands. "Oh sorry, heres your shirt for you. Thank you so much for that. Honestly I don't know what i would of done if it weren't for you. Thank you "

"It's no bother honestly. Take care of yourselves" The lifeguard spoke before taking his shirt and heading further up the beach.

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