Chapter Twenty-Four

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Buzzzz!Buzzz! My phone alarm went of, Maxi let out a tired groan as i reached out and slapped the noise of. I open my eyes, adjusting to the light. I climb out of Maxis grip and quickly slip on some clean underwear and my dressing gown. I walk out the bedroom to see cups everywhere. I quickly head to the kitchen and get a glass of water, downing it with some pills. I then refill the glass and grab two more pills and take it through to Maxi. "Babe, you need to get up" I whisper, placing a kiss on his forehead and leaving the water and pills on the bedside table. I left the room once again and begin picking up as many cups as i could and throwing them in to a big bin bag. Today's the day. The day I leave Australia.

I quickly throw on some comfortable clothes - leggings and maxis hoodie. I pull out my already packed suitcase and leave it by the front door ready. I'm sat on the sofa when Maxi comes in already dressed. "Are you ready baby?" He asks. I nod , scared to speak in case I break out in tears. The drive to the airport was tense. Both of us quiet as Maxi focuses on the road, one hand on my thigh. As I see the airport up ahead I feel physically sick at the thought of leaving Maxi.

We reached the airport security. Maxi leaves my suitcase standing as he pulls me into a tight hug. I cant hold it any longer, tears escape my eyes and I'm sobbing into his chest. "I'm gonna miss you so much" I mutter as I squeeze onto him like my life depends on it. "I'll miss you too" He replies, sniffing himself as though hes being strong for the both of us by holding back his tears. I pull back and give him one last passionate kiss and tears streamed down both of our faces. "I love you" I whisper, my voice breaking on itself. "I love you too. We'll talk every day and we'll make this work.I know we can. I will see you soon baby" He replies, faking a smile at me to try and reassure me that everythings okay. I give him one last hug before I turn and walk towards security, pulling my suitcase with me. Tears rolling down my cheeks with no chance of stopping. I don't look back.

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