Chapter Five.

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The day of the date I awoke with a smile on my face. I lay in bed for a while, fantasising over how I thought the date may go and what we may do before eventually deciding I needed to get out of bed. I have a lot of preparing to do.

After a late lunch with my Dad I decided I should start getting ready. Maybe it was my abrupt leaving from the table or the rush to rinse my plate off but dad knew something was going on. He was never a fan of me having boyfriends - or any boys in my life for that matter. Dad has always been that typical strict father figure, which I suppose is nice to show an amount of care but I knew it would affect tonights plans. My mum however , was the complete opposite , she doesn't care at all.

" And where do you think you're going?" Questioned dad , here we go. My back still facing him as i rinse the plate.

" Oh I'm going out tonight with a friend I made" I answered timidly. I know I'm not in the wrong for going out with a boy especially one I like so much but I'm aware of what dad is like. He has always had a short temper. When he is in a good mood , it's a great mood, he's almost childlike but when he's in a bad mood , well it's not fun for anyone.

"And who is this friend?" He asked with a pinch of spite on his tongue. I knew it wasn't long until he burst and everything around him would crumble.

"M-maxi" I stuttered , hating myself for feeling so cowardly around him.

" LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU" He shouted , his voice echoing from the walls and the anger bouncing from wall to wall leaving tension around us. I slowly turned around, facing him yet keeping myself pressed against the sink at a small distance. As i lift my head and make eye contact it's as though something switched in him. He grabbed the cup from the table and launched it across the room, only centimetres from my head. The glass shattered and fell to the floor. The glass wasn't strong enough to hold itself together and neither am I , tears clouded over my eyes and I looked to the floor not wanting him to feel empowered over the control he has. With a final angry sigh , he turned around and left the room , slamming the door as he went.

I took this as my cue, running to my room and locking the door. Only feeling as though I could breathe when I was at a far enough distance. The tears flooded out of my eyes. I held my hand to my mouth , applying pressure , trying anything to stop myself from crying but the sobs still shook my body with emotion. Why am I so weak?

The sudden sound of my phone ringing alerted me to the world. I quickly grabbed it before pressing it to my ear. " H-hello?"

"Hey Dani , its Maxi . I got your number from snapchat I hope you don't mind?" Maxi's cheery australien voice came through the speaker.

" Oh uh no it's fine. So what's up?" I couldn't bring myself to echo back the same amount of happiness as he held in his voice. I wish I could.

" Shit , are you crying? Are you okay?" Concern lacing his voice.

" I'm fine , don't worry about it. So how come you're calling?"

" I just wanted to check you're still on for tonight?" Tonight? Oh the date! How could i forget. Pressing on my phone to check the time - 5:00PM

" Ofcourse! I'm looking forward to it. What time is it again?"

" I can pick you up at 7:00? Just text me your address?" He asked. That gives me two hours. How did I lose so many hours just sat in my room?

" That's great. See you soon" I responded before quickly hanging up. It seemed abrupt but I had to get ready. I wasn't normally one to put in effort for other people when it came to my looks but I really like Maxi so it was about to change. I quickly text him the place we were staying before running and getting in the shower. It was going to be a good night.

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