Chapter Nineteen

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After my prize we took a walk along the beach, waves splashing against our feet as our hands dangled between us gripping each others. We walked in silence for a while, just enjoying each others company. That was until I decided to change it, kicking a splash of water up Maxi's leg before running of ahead. "Hey!" He shouted, running after me. He kicked some water back at me but I managed to move out the way just in time. He continued chasing me down the beach until he eventually caught up, holding on to me as I tried to catch my breath back but my laughing didn't help. " aw is maxi wet?" I asked in a voice that you would use to talk to babies. " that meant as an innuendo or?" He replied. I blushed in embarrassment. "No! My innocent mind wouldn't say such a thing!" I quickly answered, laughing at Maxi's dirty mind. Maxi began lifting me up and carrying me bridal style in to the water, only up the middle of your shin deep. " Maxi , I swear , don't do it. Maxi Maxi AH" I screamed out as maxi dropped me in to the water, not completely soaking me but my shorts were drenched. I quickly stood up and walked out of the water. Maxi laughing and following behind. "Sweet sweet revenge!" He added between laughs. "I don't know what's worse, the fact my ass hurts or that i look like I've had an accident" I replied, grump evident in my voice. " Awh bless ya. Shall we have one last walk then head back?" Maxi asked, walking towards me. "Sure" I replied, reaching for Maxi's hand. I think it's already clear that I'm the clingy one. I think that was proved when I asked for cuddles on the first night of staying with him. So we began our walk across the beach. Yes, my shorts are wet but I couldn't care in this moment.

After walking for a while Maxi stopped. I felt his hand fall out of grip with mine. I stopped and turned around to face him. He was stood still just staring at me. " Maxi what's wrong?" I asked walking over to him. He looked a little pale. Cupping my hands around his face and searching his eyes for some sort of answer. "Maxi?" I asked, worry lacing my voice. He reach and grabbed my hands, holding them in his in between us. " Dani, will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?" He asked. "Yes! Of course I will!" I replied. He pulled me closer and wrapped me up in a hug. "I was so worried, I thought something was wrong or something Maxi" I muttered in to his chest, my grip getting tighter as I thought of the possibilities of what he could of said. " Sorry, I was just really nervous."

From there we headed back to his apartment. Once we walked in Harrison came rushing out his room. "Did she say yes?" He asked. " Obviously mate, look at me" Maxi cockily replied. Harrison flashed his smile, reciprocating back how I was feeling. " You guys act like its marriage already" I said. "Oh already? You're already planning it?" Harrison asked, purposely winding me up. I shook my head as a blush appeared again and headed towards the bedroom, Maxi close behind.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter ;) Please vote and comment.Love to you all Xx

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