Chapter Eighteen

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We both decided to go and get some classic fish and chips. Well, just chips for me as I don't like fish but you get the point! We carried the food down to the beach where we sat on the sand and began to eat. " I bet you I can catch a chip in my mouth from any distance" Maxi said. "Alright go on then," I replied, standing up and holding a chip at the ready. "A little further back babe." The word just slipped out. "Ooo I'm your babe now am I?" Maxi shouted across to me, a wink obviously added at the end. I threw the chip towards his mouth and he attempted to catch it, failing. " Do it again" Maxi shouted, standing with his mouth wide open. I threw it again and he missed it by an inch. "This time I swear" He said. "Is this your way of getting all my chips?" I asked. "Nooo. Ay whats my prize if I win?" He asked, quickly diverting the fact he's taking all my chips. " hmm we'll see. That's if you actually manage it" I responded. " oh okay , i see how it is. This is the final chip, throw it and I will catch it." Maxi replied, challenging me. I threw the chips towards him and it hit him on the cheek before bouncing of on to the sand.Maxi's face was priceless. "What's my prize for you losing? I mean technically I won in a way" After he got over the fact he failed, he headed towards me. "How about this?" He said, taking a step towards me. "Wh-" I was interrupted my Maxi's lips on mine. My eyes closed as we stood on the sand, lips locking together. The only other sound being the waves crashing behind us.

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