Chapter Twenty-Two

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Maxi had thankfully managed to get the next few days off so we could spend some more time together. Last night Maxi opened up to me before bed about how worried he was about me being in England and living with my father whilst he's hours away and can't protect me. Unfortunately, it's not as easy as starting anew life over here. The best possible solution I could think of is to leave a few days earlier than my Dad, go back home and pack my things and maybe try to find a friend to move in with. Things feel between me and Maxi, like we both know our time is ending soon and we're making the most of it but we aren't discussing it. The subject is too hurtful for the both of us.

Today we have decided to have a movie day which is perfect for loads of cuddles under the air con. I'm in my pajamas and Maxi is in some loose shorts and no top - extra bonus. Whilst Maxi went to shower I took it upon myself to set everything up ; movies; blankets;pillows; and of course plenty of snacks. " Awh thank you babe" Maxi said as he saw the set up, walking in and plonking himself down on the sofa next to me. I snuggled myself in to him as the first film started - Back to The Future.

Many hours later of film watching, pushing each other off the sofa , eating a lot of junk food and making out, Harrison came home. "How was work?" I asked as he came in and flopped himself down on the other sofa. "Ugh so tiring" He replied. "Want me to get you some food?" I asked, I always feel like I owe it to these lads and I do. They've helped me out a lot. "Nah, I had a late lunch in the tower.Thanks though" He replied, letting out a yawn straight after. Roughly ten minutes later soft snores could be heard form Harrisons direction. I let out a little giggle and pointed it out to Maxi who laughed along with me.

It's about 2AM and we are all out of films. Just the thought of watching another tires me out. Maxi and I head off to the bedroom, leaving Harrison passed out on the sofa. I jumped straight on to the bed, not even bothering with any covers. Maxi shortly followed, laying behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me to him. "Good night baby" Maxi whispered. "Goodnight I love you" I tiredly mumbled back. Falling asleep before I could even comprehend what I said or wait for a reply.

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