Chapter Twenty-Three

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The clock read 1:30 PM when I finally awoke the next day. Maxi was sat up in bed beside me, scrolling with his instagram feed. "Maxiiii" I whined, my eyes still half closed. "Daniiii" He replied, imitating me. "Cuddle with me?" I whined out. He let out a little chuckle before putting his phone down and laying down beside me. Maxi was first to break the silence as we lay cuddling,

"There's a party tonight, kinda a leaving party for you" Maxi mumbled in between placing kisses along my shoulder. "I'm really gonna miss this Maxi. This and us and you" I let out, almost as though I've said what we've both been fearing and holding back from. Tears brim my eyes as I finally say the truth out loud. Maxi pulls back his arms from around me and sits up on the bed. "We should start getting ready" He says, no emotion in his voice as he gets up and leaves the room and ending the conversation there. I rub my eyes, trying to push the tears back. I know him well enough to know he's scared and both of us down want to face that it's true but soon it will be too late.

It's a few hours later and I'm finally dressed and ready. I'm wearing a silver strapless dress with some matching heels and some dark makeup. I've even gone through the effort of straightening my hair. " You ready babe?" Maxi asks , peeking his head round the bedroom door. "Yeah, I'll be out in just a second" I reply with a smile as he leaves to answer the knock on the front door. Breathe in , Breathe out. I'm thankful when I walk out to see different bottles of alcohol scattered around the place. I say a brief hello to a couple of the lifeguards who have come to the little get together before heading to the kitchen to pour myself some vodka and coke. As I'm drinking what must be my second or third cup already I feel hands snake around my waist. "You look stunning" Maxis voice whispers into my ear, nibbling my ear and leaving a kiss as he pulls away. "Thank you" I respond, a blush on my cheeks yet again. The moments ruined as someone shouts "SHOTS" and everyone crowds round in the front room.

A few hours later and I'm pretty sure everyone is a little smashed. Youngblood by 5sos blasts through the speakers as we all dance around. I feel blessed to have all these wonderful people around me, I don't even know the lifeguards too well but they all put in effort and came to the party tonight to say goodbye. As the music continues , I begin to drunkenly grind on to Maxi, the alcohol really taking its effect on me. I turn myself round and lean up to kiss him. As our lips interlock it's as though everything else around us turns into a blur. As we pull apart I grab on to Maxis hand, leading him through the crowd and into our bedroom. I pull him on to the bed and throw one of my legs on each side of him, straddling him as I lips smash together. I begin undoing Maxis top, fumbling with the buttons but not pulling away from his lips. "Are you sure about this?" he asks in between kisses. "Definitely" I let out before he helps undo my dress.

And for the first time Maxi and I made love. Entwining our souls for the first and possible the last time.

A/N : Thank you for reading so far! Please vote and comment :)

It was my birthday yesterday and I thought I could add a photo of me (ew) in the bondi lifeguard hoodie i got :)

It was my birthday yesterday and I thought I could add a photo of me (ew) in the bondi lifeguard hoodie i got :)

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