The School Project

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The next week went by pretty fast.

The guy who's sitting next to me is called Jeno as I heard the teacher or some of our classmates say.

But he seemed as if he got no friends.

Perhaps it's because he's so quiet and shy.

Well I mean I asked him for a pencil and he just nodded and gave me one without even looking at me.

I seriously was a bit offended but more sad that he didn't gave me one of his really cute eye smiles. I really miss them thought.

But anyway. I eventually even liked him more for being like that.

I mean he's neither trying to flirt or get my attention nor try picking up a fight because his girlfriend fell for me and dropped him.

I really would like to get to know him better and all but, however, when I'm around him I'm lacking on confidence. And air. Because he's so hot.

Today the teacher announced that we're going to do a project with a partner we can choose ourselves.

Of course all the girls came running to me asking me if I could be their partner but honestly I'm sick and tired of them all.

I just sighed and looked at them with a smile on my face.

"Sorry ladies but Jeno is already my partner" I said as I slowly reached for Jeno's shoulder and put my palm on it, patting him as I smiled widely at him.

The girls either sighed in disappointment or gave Jeno death glares or even both while the poor boy just looked at me in shock and disbelieve.

As the girls went back to their seats and the lesson continued Jeno leaned a bit towards me and whisper-yelled : "Hey! Why did you do that?"

I felt my heart skipping a beat as I noticed how close he was. I even could smell his perfume and damn it smelled good. Like fresh cherry blossoms.

I gulped and shook off my feelings away then I smirked. "Why? You've a problem with that?" I then spontaneously asked.

"Uh..." he said seeming as if he really thought about it hard. "Whatever."
He shrugged it off and went back to his normal position.

I sighed internally and looked out the window for the rest of the lesson.

And without even noticing I fell asleep.

I was awakened by someone who shook me slightly by the shoulder.

I grumbled a bit but didn't bother sitting up to see who that person was.

"Jaemin-ssi!" the person then said, pretty close to my ear, with a slight general tone and I immediately recognized who it was.

This slightly monotonous, yet melodic, deep and slightly rough voice could only belong to one person.

I instantly sat up straight and looked up at a startled Jeno who's face was just a few inches away from mine. I felt hot creep up to my cheeks but I shook this, for me still, unusual feeling and hid my emotions and redness behind a confused and innocent looking façade.

I tilted my head to the side and tried looking at him with a slightly bewildered expression as good as possible.

Jeno gulped and backed off quickly, covering his mouth with his fist as he looked away clearing his throat.

"Uhm... s-school is over a-and you didn't wake up as the bell rang a-and I decided to wake you up..." Jeno said, stammering slightly.

I smiled at him, thinking how cute he actually is,  when talking to other people.

"Thanks" I simply answered him.

We both just stood there in a awkward silence for a few minutes.

Jeno opened his mouth to say something but then shook his head and let it be.

"So uhm... about the project?" I tried to start a conversation which apparently worked because Jeno looked back at me; his eyes shining behind his glasses.

I stared at his eyes for who knows how long until Jeno waved his hand in front of my eyes causing me to come back from my "hypnosis".

"Oh uhm... Sorry. What were you saying?" I said, awkwardly scratching my neck.

"How about we meet today or uh maybe when you're not free today tomorrow or something like that?" he said with a light tone of awkwardness in his voice.

"No no. Today is fine. What time and where?"

"Uhm how about at four at your place? If that's alright of course!"

"Yes, I don't mind, don't worry." I smiled once again.

Then he just nodded, said good bye and gave me one of his eye smiles as he left.

I felt a strange feeling creeping from my stomach up to my chest as I watched Jeno go.

I took a deep breath and slammed my palm against my forehead.

"No Na Jaemin! You're definitely not falling in love with this guy you barely know!" I said to myself before furiously packing up my stuff and heading home.



Yay I managed to write this part before midnight. Whoop whoop.

So yeah next chapter will be in Jeno's pov I promise.

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed it.

Vote and comment pleasee~.

Peace 'n blessings.


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