It's Always been Like This

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I felt my heart racing as I escaped the classroom. 

I tried my best to play it cool while talking to Jaemin, I swear!

But I probably looked like a complete idiot. Jaemin kept on smiling as if I was some retarded kid talking nonsense in front of him.

It's already 3:30pm and I honestly don't know what to do. I don't even know where Jaemin lives.

Ugh I'm so stressed for nothing right now.

I took a few deep breaths until I was finally able to click on Jaemin's contact.

I stare at it wondering whether to call or message him.

I choose to message him since I'm too big of a coward to even talk properly to him.


hey uhm i was wondering if you could send me your
address maybe?
send 2:45pm read 

yeah sure
send 2:48pm 

this cotact just send you a address
click here to view
send 2:48pm

send 2:49pm read✔


Not even a "no problem" or "you're welcome".

Why out of 7.6 billion people on earth I had to fall in love with such a rude jerk?

I sighed still mad at me and my silly feelings. 

It's always the same. As soon as somebody is kind to me in any way, I immediately fall for him.

It's always been like this.

In fourth grade a girl lend me her pencil and smiled, nothing special, right? And my dumb ass had to fall for her as if she was the love of my life or something.

Or in sixth where I just randomly bumped into a guy I didn't even knew and he helped me pick up my stuff from the floor I, mister fall-easy, fell instantly for him, like what's wrong with me?

And that's why I don't even want to talk to the teacher.

And now that the biggest flirt in school had to bump into this mutant gorilla and even provoke him however, I had to step in since he's so skinny he couldn't possibly fight against this damn giant, can he?

Even come up to me and pat my shoulder and then boom my heart started beating as if  I was having a god damn heart attack.

I need help...

Once again I sighed, trying to relax and calm down but this of course wouldn't help a lot.

I hardly noticed how the time passed since I was too busy getting mad at myself.

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