Chapter 1

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     Life isn't easy being a Lestrange. Being the daughter of the infamous Bellatrix Lestrange is hard enough, but then I have to deal with the people at school hammering me for it. It's a constant ordeal, and I can't even learn how to be anything other than a carbon copy of her because that's how people treat me.

   Ravenclaws silently study me, Hufflepuffs wouldn't even dare to look at me, Gryffindors glare at me, and my own house Slytherin, well most days I feel like they just tolerate me. They try to joke around with me as if I'm my mother, but they fear that I'll blow a fuse suddenly like she does. Her reputation follows me around like a dark looming shadow. They tend to react oddly when I don't feed into their Slytherin pureblood lunacy. I don't have a lot of friends, I take to sticking to the shadows and having my nose in a book. It's not that I don't want to be extroverted it's just that every time I try I get shut down for not playing the part of a Lestrange. I hear them all refer to me as "Strange" instead of Evelyn. It's really disheartening when I've tried all I could to distinguish myself from my linage, like joining the school choir, and even my botched quidditch tryout that ended with me in the hospital wing. All jokes aside it would seem that I have the appeal of a goblet of piss.

I growled as I tried taking a brush to my thick mass of midnight black, curly hair. That's what always gave me away, all of my dark curly hair. As soon as people saw me they spotted the resemblance clear as day, and although my mother's hair is more similar to a ball of gutter fuzz, I'm just happy my teeth don't resemble her's also. It doesn't help that I shared some of her other features however. I looked in the mirror and analyzed my features, small nose, deep chocolate brown eyes, full arched brows, pouty lips, and my thick mess of curly hair. All this damned hair! I growled loudly as my features started to morph into my mother the longer I looked into the mirror.

I'm her and I'll never be able to escape it. I screamed angrily and without thinking I threw my metal hair brush as hard as I could shattering my mirror causing a jagged piece to shoot at my arm slicing my flesh. Blood started to seep out as I hissed in pain. Nothing ever goes as planned, I can't even get myself ready without having a mental breakdown. I'm mentally unstable and that's all there is too it, could you expect anything less from the daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange. I magically bandaged my small wound and stood up from my vanity chair. For once in my life can't I just be normal? I just want people to see me for who I am and not who my family is.

My mother and father Rodolphus were imprisoned in Azkaban for the majority of my life so I was raised with my cousin Draco. My Aunt and Uncle were tasked in raising me to be a sane version of my mother. I never really connected with them even with our blood relation we were vastly different. When my parents were broken out of Azkaban my crazy life took and even crazier turn. Maybe they thought they'd return to a perfect little deatheater and not a shell of a person. My mother took to training me and knocking me into the shape she desired, but to hardly any avail. This displeased my parents very much.

These days are dark, very dark. Lives are being lost and the dark lord is rising to power faster than my mum rises to anger. I wasn't planning on going back to Hogwarts this year. Everyone was under the impression that the dark lord rising again was just a rumor, and that my mother was just an unstable head case they busted out of the pokey so no harm in letting me into the school right? Wrong, I helped Draco fix the vanishing cabinet this past year, and believe me the bonding experience left much to be desired, but I was exposed.

    Everyone knew what I had done and all of a sudden I was my mother and it was inescapable. I had confirmed everyone's assumptions and suspicions, but I had no choice. They made me do it, and if I had declined my mother's anger would have seen to me. I made a foolish mistake by not separating from my wretched mother after Dumbledore was killed and I was spotted with them by Harry Potter himself. They blame me for the castle break in, but I would too after all I did help. I was pulled out of Hogwarts and quickly after that the wizarding world was in peril. A war is coming and many lives will be lost and I fear that mine will be one of them.

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