Chapter 3

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"Name?" He asked as I nervously rubbbed my palms together. "Evelyn Macmillan," I said quickly choosing something completely different from my real last name. Lestrange, a name I've been trying to escape my whole life. "I didn't know the Macmillan's had a daughter," he said. "Neither do they," I muttered quietly. "What was that?" He asked. "That do they," I said quickly nearly face palming at how foolish that sounded. I laughed nervously as if I meant to say that. I hope the sweet smile I plastered on my face would sell my fake identity. "Lovely, I'm Headmaster Dippet, welcome to Hogwarts dear let's get you sorted." I cant believe that worked, what a fool. Wait this can't happen, once I'm sorted the whole school will know of my accidental existence. Dippet led me down the corridor towards the great hall whilst my hands were shaking in major axiety for my unknown next move. "The feast is due to begin after the sorting wait here and I will announce you in, oh and what year will you be entering?" He asked me. "I- uh 6th." I said nervously just as he quickly made his way into the great hall. How unorganized is this place, you'd think there'd be no explanation for a lost 6th year in the halls. I guess the rules were a little more loosey goosey in the 40's. What do I do? I can't just run off, can I?

I turned to glance behind me while biting my lip. If I run now maybe I can ditch this place before the big oaf notices. After all he is the only one who knows of my existence which wouldn't be bad if he wasn't the bloody headmaster. As soon as he realizes I've escaped he'll know just what to do to track me down if I'm not fast enough to get out of here. What if I just let this happen, then what? I mean what's the worst that can happen besides somehow effecting the past in a way that will forever change the future as I knew it in a negative way? That's actually a good enough reason to kick rocks. I bet my mother has found out about my absence by now, all the more reason to avoid going back to the future at this moment in time. So now what? I think my only choice is to stick around until I can safely slip away. Let's also not forget about the constricting necklace im wearing. That's definitely a problem to figure out. This means I'll have to go through with this sorting and possibly even have to stick around long enough for people to actually wonder what happened to me as soon as I find a way out of here. Wait a minute, no one in this whole school knows who I am or is able to associate me with anyone aside from a noble pureblood family. People will finally not look at me like I'm a wicked time bomb or a nut. I know my relatives would be going here but hopefully our resemblance is nonexistent. I won't have to worry since I'm now officially a Macmillan. They obviously won't have children in Hogwarts according to the headmaster. The Macmillan's are notorious for their secrecy no one will suspect a thing, and I certainly won't be sticking around here very long anyways.

Suddenly I heard my new name echo from the great hall. "That was fast," I whispered as my heart rate picked up. No one knows me, no whispers of my lineage, no misguided assumptions about my loyalties, breathe. I held my head up high and owned the mystery of my presence. They're all so oblivious, how glorious. I just feel so free in this moment. This brought a small smile to my face as I timidly made my way up to the front. Students gawked from every which way and whispers could be heard making their rounds but I don't care since no one knows a thing about me. I know I shouldn't even be paying any mind to any of this, but it's difficult and I'm sure anyone would understand if they were aware of my history.

Nothing has changed about the sorting ceremony. You sit and are bestowed with the dusty old hat. I know myself well enough to understand where I rightfully belong. "No other house becomes you no question to where you belong and you know it too you are through and through "SLYTHERIN!" Boy I guess I had my doubts for a second but you can take the girl from the Lestrange, but you can't take the Lestrange from the girl unfortunately. I bashfully made my way to the table that erupted in cheers. For the first time in my life I felt welcomed.

   My cheeks were surely a rosy color as I moved to sit torwards the end of the table.  "Hello Evelyn, I'm Cornelia Cornfoot," A raven haired girl with thick rimmed glasses said to me from across the table. "Nice to meet you." I said casually as everyone began to eat. I have to keep in mind to keep the pleasantries to a minimum. The less people aware of my presence the better, although that's hard since it was just announced to the whole bloody school.  "I saw you from a few seats down and I knew I couldn't possibly pass up the opportunity to introduce myself," A tall boy with shaggy jet black hair and dark eyes said with a smile. Oh boy just as I settled on keeping to myself. He is kinda handsome, maybe a casual chat couldn't hurt. "I'm Orion black," he said making me almost spit out my drink. That's my mother's maiden name. Gross he's like my great uncle or something of that sort so that must mean- "Didn't waste anytime huh Orion? I apologize for his brashness I'm Cygnus black." Bloody hell thats my grandpa except not insane. Same dark hair and eyes, maybe I'm going crazy but our noses are alarmingly similar. I need to calm down it's not like anyone's gonna accuses us of being related or anything crazy like that. "We're moving here? Oh hi I'm Druella Rosier." Well it would seem that my freckle faced grandma just made her grand appearance. "Hi." I said with a fake smile. "Popularity becomes her," I heard Cornelia mutter. "Shut it Corny," a oddly tall girl with short black hair barked at Cornelia. "I'm Penelope Parkinson," she said with a smile. "Hello," I said trying to sound friendly. "Oh I just love your hair." She gushed as she plopped down next to me. More and more people made it to the end of the table introducing themselves. Most of them had descendents in the present that I knew quite well. "Oh I just know we are gonna be the best of friends!" Marla Greengrass exclaimed. I smiled a bit but I didn't quite know how to reciprocate these feelings as I've always been the outcast. I've never received this much positive attention. Of course I know it's because I'm the new girl, but I'd like to relish in it for as long as possible. Though I know none of them have taken a true interest in me it feels good to come to a place with a clean slate. These popular kids just want to see how they can pick at the shiny new toy. None of them even make eye contact or even hold a conversation which I'll admit I was glad about.

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