Chapter 11

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  The common room was quite cold as we entered. We were to continue our studying in here unfortunately. I guess there's no interruptions this time. The boys continued to tantalize Cygnus even with the suspensions of it being a prank. I took pride in the thought that they'd never know it's me. It gave me a big head to think I could fool them. Maybe I'm better at faking innocence than I would initially believe. I sat in the corner of the room with my new book laid out on my lap. I forgot I swiped this from the library. I should hide this in the dormitory before someone sees it.

   I got up but I happened to bump into someone dropping the book on the floor. I gasped and went to grab it but someone picked it up before me. I looked up to see it was Tom, great just what I needed. "Hey give that back," I said quickly reaching for it but he held it above his head. "Odd how this should be in your possession Macmillan," he said as he analyzed the title. "Come on Tom give it back," I said in a hushed tone to not attract attention. "Could it be you actually managed to use magic correctly?" I decided to fake innocence once more. "What are you talking about?" I asked as I reached for the book again. "Joke time is over Macmillan," he said rudely as he shoved the book back into my hands. "Perhaps if you put as much effort into your studies as you do your jokes your marks would be higher," he said before beginning to walk away. I looked down in shame before reaching out to grab his arm. "Okay I'm sorry for interrupting study time just please don't tell anyone," I said as he shook off my hand. "I couldn't be bothered with your foolish antics," he said without looking my way continuing on his path back to his precious books. "Thanks I guess," I muttered before running up to my dorm to stash the book.

    I guess the cats out of the bag. Leave it to me to get caught by the tall scary one. You know dark and stormy should really stop to smell the roses once in a while every time I see him he's doing something having to do with his schooling. Either that or having hushed discussions with the other boys most likely about potions or something of that nature. I guess it's a good thing I didn't choose to clown Tom with that spell earlier who knows what he'd do. Maybe I should lay off the pranks for now, or at least keep them far from dark and stormy.

    "It's so dreadful!" Druella exclaimed the next morning. "It's not that bad," Marla said trying to comfort her. "That's easy for you to say you're not courting the horn blower!" Druella nearly sobbed. "How am I supposed to be seen with him! You heard the boys, they're calling him smelly Cygnus." Maybe I should've picked someone else, I feel awful. "What if it was a prank Dru?" I asked. "What kind of awful person would do such a thing?!" I sighed and looked down at my hands. Appearance and reputation sure does mean a lot to them. I'd come clean, but why would I do that when I could just frame someone? If they knew it was me Druella would hate me for sure. "There was someone suspicious in the library yesterday," I said suddenly. "Really who?" Marla asked. "It was a girl," I said slowly. "Any other details?" Penelope asked. I need to make up something real quick, if they think it was all a prank maybe Druella will let it go and focus on proving Cygnus's innocence or do something besides cry about it.

"Ravenclaw, about 5 feet, red hair, green eyes, and glasses that's all I can remember." Maybe that was too many details. I just threw something together. "Wait a minute that sounds familiar!" Druella said angrily. "It does?" I asked worriedly. "Yeah you know that girl in Charms that smells like soup?" Druella said. "Oh yeah! Isn't her name Carlos or something?" Penelope said. "No that's not it. I think it's Carol." Marla said. "No way Crazy Carol did this? Isn't she the one that squawks like a bird every time she laughs? She must've done it to get back at the whole house for what happened to Myrtle last year. Everyone knows they blame the Slytherins for that," Druella said angrily. "Well let's get her back!" Penelope said. "Hold on guys let's not be too hasty I mean there were a lot of people in the library yesterday," I said stopping them from leaving the room. "Come on it makes perfect sense she has a motive! Oh and one time Orion asked her to borrow a quill and she said she didn't have one." Penelope ranted foolishly to which I rolled my eyes. "Okay so why is that evidence that she did anything?" I said. "Don't be foolish Eve. Ravenclaws always have extra quills it's the unspoken rule of the house! She obviously has something against Slytherins." Oh boy have I done it again. "Even so, there's no proof. What if you got the wrong person, then what?" Please let me be able to talk them out of this. "Then we just ruin a weird Ravenclaw's day, so what?" Penelope said as they walked out of the room. "Come one guys there has to be a better way to settle this," I said as I chased them down the stairs. "If she wants to embarrass Slytherins then we'll embarrass Ravenclaws," Druella declared. This is so bad.

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