Chapter 7

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Two days have passed since the water ballon war and things only seemed to get better. I found more joy in levitating first years than I thought I would. So my friends were bully's, well I'm the daughter of the biggest bully and I blamed my ease to be the same way on that fact. We were once again sitting at the black lake enjoying each other's company when Orion shot up out of nowhere. "I'll catch you guys later." He said. "Orion Black resident opera singer," Penelope laughed. "Sing something pretty would ya black?" Abraxas said with a smirk. "Oh come on guys I don't mock your quidditch practices," Orion said. "Wait what are you going on about?" I asked in confusion. "Check it out Eve Black is joining the Frog Choir," Abraxas said to which everyone laughed making Orion frown.

Orion seemed like the kindest of the group, he was the troublesome silly guy that could always give you a laugh. I felt bad seeing him being torn down for something he wanted to do. Maybe it was my Slytherin urge to protect my family even though he has absolutely no idea of our odd relation, but I decided to speak up. "Well I for one think it's cool," I said. "You do?" Thoran asked with a raised brow. "That she does," Abraxas said scratching his head. "Well in that case would you be interested in joining? We always need more Slytherins," he asked making me regret my words. "That's because it's lame," Jacoby laughed. "Yeah come on Evie don't do it you'd be a laughing stock." Peneople said. "Don't listen to them Eve they're just jealous," Orion said. I looked around at the group as I rubbed my hands together as they grew sweaty. "You know what," I said surprising myself once again. "Count me in," I said getting up from my seat on the ground. "Wait you can't be serious," Peneople said. "Why not?" I said as I threw my bag over my shoulder. "If the girl wants to sing let her," Abraxas said with a teasing voice. "Have fun," Thoran said as the girls laughed. Annoyance tickled my body with it's itchy grasp as I turned to glare at the group. "Laugh now but when Orion and I hit the big times with our vocals don't write to ask to borrow money," I said teasingly making the boys fake hurt feelings. "Ouch!" Cygnus laughed. "She's coming for our wealth boys." Abraxas teased as I walked off with Orion. "Enjoy the snore fest," Penelope said as I walked by her. "They don't know what they're talking about Eve you're gonna love it," Orion said as he lead me into the castle. "Let's hope so."

      Half an hour in I was nearly falling off my chair every time I nearly fell asleep. There was no real organization within the group of 13 or so students. They were scattered around the great hall either talking quietly or rehearsing some terrible folk song I'll probably hear in my nightmares. It was so quiet I could nearly hear every conversation in the room. It was beginning to drive me mad. I sat with my legs crossed and my chin laying drowsily in my hand. More minutes of the annoying sound of random instruments being played with no sort of rhythm went on. Some students began singing off key hardly in sync with the instruments. It was such a headache I couldn't hold it in any longer. "For the love of Merlin would it kill someone to bang a drum?" I said a little louder than needed. Everyone in the room stared at me as they stopped what they were doing. "A drum?" Someone asked amongst the silence. "You got anything better to add?" A Ravenclaw asked with her arms crossed, annoyed with my outburst. "Yeah you seem to be enjoying that corner over there why not show us what you got?" Her friend said with a smirk. I probably should've kept my mouth shut. "No thanks," I said as I got up and threw my bag over my shoulder about to leave. "What's wrong are you scared?" The Ravenclaw snickered. I stopped in my tracks and clenched my teeth in annoyance. "Fine," I said not really thinking. I hate being challenged it awakens something in me, even if I might fail. "For starters why not drop the boring folk songs and try something new?" I said as I walked to the front of the class. "Like what?" A gryffindor asked. I looked around for something I could play and I sat down at a piano. I'm a little rusty but there's a song I do vaguely remember. My hands were shaking as I laid them on the keys and began playing.

"You were incredible!" Orion exclaimed as we made our way to the common room. "Did you see that Ravenclaw's face? It was hilarious!" I smiled nervously thinking about how I was able to pull a song out of midair to fool these people into thinking I was musically talented. "I nearly choked," I said knowing I couldn't have been as good as he was raving about. "Could've fooled me," he said as we walked into the common room which was fairly quiet. "Hey thanks for joining I know your friends teasing you about it must've made it a difficult decision," he said before we parted ways. "I'm no stranger to being an outcast."

In the week that followed the students of the choir worked on building a better understanding of each other. It wasn't my cup of tea but the director Professor Langleyross said it was crucial to our synchronized harmonic rhythm, whatever that means. It would seem that being included in something was very therapeutic for me. It's been quite pleasant for me and my friends as well. I've been able to hold up the facade that I am just a transfer that my group of colleagues seem to have taken a liking to. In the back of my mind I know I don't belong here and the responsible thing to do would to avidly be looking for a way back to my own time. I just can't find it in myself to do that so here I go again to meet up with my friends.

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