Chapter 8

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       "Hey Evie over here!" Druella called me over as I walked into the great hall. "Hey," I greeted the girls with a smile. Druella was about to speak until Peneople interrupted her. "The most delicious thing just happened!" She squealed. "Delicious?" I asked with an eyebrow raised. "Cygnus asked to court Druella!" I tried to act shocked but as the family tree goes that was a given. "He seems nice," I said to Druella with a smile. She didn't look all too thrilled but she smiled a little. A pureblood courtship is about nothing but saving the bloodline. Who knows who my parents would've tried to stick  me with, I shuttered at the thought.

    "Has anyone seen Walburga?" Marla suddenly asked. "No," I said confused. "What happened?" I asked. Druella looked down with a pitiful look as Marla pursed her lips. "She found out this morning she's been betrothed to Orion," Penelope whispered. "But aren't they-" Druella hushed me and shook her head. "We don't really speak of it you know how these things go," she said looking down the row at the frowning dark haired boy who's usually gleefully smiling. I guess I was aware that inbreeding exsisted in pureblood families, but we like to pretend it doesn't exsist. It's harder to ignore when it's in your own family. They know better than to go against their family's orders. It's quite tragic really. "Why is the Black family making these marital moves all of a sudden?" I asked curiously wondering why all three members of the black family were suddenly romantically involved. "Evie," Druella said dumbfounded. "You of all people should know it's prime time for the sacred 28," she said in a hushed tone. That practice was thrown out years ago, I guess it's still in use in the 40's. Prime time is just another word for arranged marriages.

     While some pureblood families still organize arranged marriages in my own time it's more unheard of. "I wouldn't be surprised if your folks fixed you up soon," Marla said. "No one even knew the Macmillan's had a kid, the boys sure were excited to have another option to add to the bunch," Druella said. "I wouldn't be surprised if Eugene Mulciber has already petitioned for your hand," Penelope cackled. This could cause some trouble for me. Maybe I shouldn't have chosen a name from the sacred 28. "And what about you Penelope? We all know Riddle isn't of the 28. So I ask you will it be Avery or Lestrange?" Marla laughed watching as Penelope's smirk fell. "You're forgetting Malfoy," Penelope said crossing her arms over her chest."Oh come on Penelope we all know who Abraxas has his eye on," Druella said as they all looked at me. I blushed a little bit letting the Macmillan situation slip my mind for the time being. "So that's just great everyone's shacked up except me,"Penelope pouted. "Oh come on I hardly know Abraxas, and besides didn't you say Eugene's looking for a wife?"I asked teasingly, getting back at her for earlier. "Oh put a lid on it Macmillan," she said as she got up to start heading to class. "Your words not mine," I called out to her as she stalked off.

   "You sure got her, she hates to face the truth," Marla said as we walked out of the great hall. "What do you mean?" I asked. "The men have more say in the marriages than us, and Malfoy can't stand Penelope. The Parkinson's and the Avery's absolutely hate each other, and Lestrange is said to be petitioning for Cora Fawley from Hufflepuff. And who does that leave for her?" She asked rhetorically. "That's why she's been forcing Mulciber's name on you since you've got here. So really it's you who's  undetermined. Of course nothing is set in stone yet prime time has only just begun. Who knows I'm sure any one of their families would be thrilled to dip into the Macmillan fortune." She said to which I raised my brows. "By any chance have you um ever met my parents?" I asked which caused her to look at me strangely. "Are you serious? No one's ever met your parents. It's truly a surprise they sent their daughter to Hogwarts, especially as a 6th year! who knows maybe it was for you to find a husband." Suddenly I've thrown myself into yet another situation. If I don't get a handle on this I'll be exposed and all hell will break loose. How was I supposed to know everyone was gonna try to marry each other!? Damn pureblood lunacy.

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