Chapter 13

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   "Expulsion?! I yelled. "I was only defending myself!" I can't believe this! The daft headmaster wants me to be expelled from Hogwarts. "Miss Macmillan lower you voice at once!" He scolded. "Your parents will be notified immediately," he said nearly making my eyes bulge out of my head. "Hey hey hey there's no need to do that. You want me gone? Fine I'm outskie," I said picking up my bag and walking towards the door. "Sit down Miss Macmillan," he said with an angry tone in his voice. "All I'm saying is there's no reason to notify my parents- they're very busy people. They will be awfully angry to be bothered by such insignificant business." I said trying to do anything I could to avoid this. "You've been expelled Miss Macmillan I hardly think that's insignificant," the headmaster sighed in agitation. "See you keep saying that but all I hear is a chance to prove my willingness to grow and learn from this experience. I'll tell you what, why don't I do you a favor and go to class, write the girl a little apology, maybe a little detention here and there and call it a day." I said standing from my seat. "Miss Macmillan I knew from the day I saw you wandering the halls you were going to be trouble, now I won't ask you again to sit down." I sighed in defeat as I sat in the chair. The stupid wavy haired bastard just got me expelled! Not only that but this old fool is trying to contact people who have absolutely no idea who I am. What am I going to do when the headmaster realizes I've lied about my identity? I've really done It this time. I just single handily ruined the best thing to ever happen to me.

   I was labeled as a danger to my fellow students and told to stay in the headmasters office until my parents came for me. Little did the headmaster know that he was waiting for nothing. It had been hours and I was nearly asleep folded into a pretzel on the chair. "She's right in here," I heard Dippet say quietly. I sat up straight and turned towards the door. Dippet walked in and faced me. "Miss Macmillan you are hereby expelled fro-" he was cut off by another male voice. "Dippet could we have just a quick word with our daughter before anything is said." I furrowed my brows and watched as an older couple walked through the door dressed in their finest robes. "I suppose so but-" the woman interrupted him. "We'll just need a moment," she said sweetly as they walked to stand in front of me. Oh no they're probably here to hammer me for claiming to be a Macmillan. However why are they calling me their daughter?

   The headmaster left and the door closed behind him. The couple turned to me and eyed me suspiciously. "So you're the girl pretending to be our daughter," the man started. "I've got petitions from Malfoy, Avery, and a whole stack of letters from Mulciber coming out of my ears!" He barked. "All of them mentioning a daughter that doesn't exist, and who should I get a letter from notifying me of my alleged daughter being expelled? Why the Headmaster of Hogwarts himself! So I ask why have you gone through so much trouble to convince everyone of your false identity? Who are you really?" I felt like I was getting scolded by an actual parent, and though I'd like to tell someone the honest truth and to seek help I know I can't do so in fear of him thinking I'm a lunatic; so I have to do the next best thing, lie. "I'm so sorry for claiming to be your daughter. I didn't know the harm it would do. I'm an orphan you see-" the woman cut me off. "An orphan? Oh you poor girl!" She gasped holding onto her husbands arm. "I was dropped off at an asylum as a baby with only a note. My parents were two young teenagers both magical folk who couldn't keep me. When I saw the opportunity to go to Hogwarts I took it I'm very sorry," I said hoping they'd believe my sob story. "And now you're getting expelled," the man tsked. "That's not my fault!" I defended. "Listen I'm sorry for what I did I know it wasn't right just tell people you disowned me or something. That's a little less shameful than claiming a false identity," I said as I looked down at my hands in my lap. "Young lady the amount of trouble you've caused is punishable by law. Infact the ministry takes impersonation quite seriously," the man said scoldingly. "Wait you're gonna turn me in? Just when I thought it couldnt get any worse," I sulked. Not only am I getting expelled, and exposed. but this man is gonna turn me into the ministry. This keeps getting worse and worse! "Yes I should turn you in.......but I won't,"  he said suddenly.

    I became quite suspicious of him as he said this. "Why not?" I asked him. "I have somewhat of a proposition for you," he said hesitantly. "Go on," I urged. "You've managed to stir yourself up quite the trouble here. As a powerful figure in the ministry I can help you there, but you'll need to help me." What is this man going on about? I looked between the two of them wondering what kind of situation I'm getting into now. " 16 years ago we had a daughter, she died when she was only a week old," the woman spoke. "I was never able to conceive another child," she said sadly. "No offense but what exactly does this have to do with me?" I asked. "The Macmillan fortune isn't what it used to be Evelyn. When I saw the petitions for your hand I couldn't believe my luck, and here you are in the flesh! My little golden nugget!" He exaggerated. "I don't quite understand Mr.Macmillan," I said hoping I had misunderstood his proposal.

  "It's quite simple really, I get you out of your little predicament, you get to keep the name-" I interrupted him. "All I have to do is marry whoever you set me up with," I said in realization. "Right on the dot," he said. I couldn't believe my ears. A scandle like this is unheard of, this could ruin his name. Why would he risk that? I guess money drives people to do wild things. How can I agree to this? How can I let this man play matchmaker with me so he can live lavishly in the name of lies? However what's my alternative? If they leave here Ill be outed as an imposter, I'll stay expelled, and am probably going to be thrown into an insane asylum. I have no other option but to take him up on his deal. One thing is for sure I need to start looking for a way back to my own time unless I want to be chained to a random man and sold for money. All I know is I'm powerless here and I have to agree to this mess for now because there's no other choice. "I'll do it."

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