Roman Marks You | Hybrid Roman Pt. 6

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May I just say that Roman looks exceptional with the Universal Championship on his shoulder! Hopefully nothing will happen tonight but for now let's rejoice that the champion is our guy!

WARNING ⚠️ MATURE CONTENT (17+ In my opinion)
I would love to write a steamy sex scene but I don't want to have to tag this book as mature so this is as steamy as I can get without being blunt. Thank you for your cooperation! Please remember that this is completely fan fiction!!

You and Joe were only kissing when suddenly things became heated. It was as if the two of you had never touched each other before. His body was hovering above yours while his face was buried in your neck. He never paid much attention to the sensitive part of your neck but for some reason it was his main focus at the moment. Your hands tangled in his loose hair as you gyrated your hips on impulse. Joe growled lowly as he began to smell your arousal and let his large hand travel towards the front of your pants.

"I missed you princess," Joe whispered into your ear. You froze in shock which caused Joe to remove himself from your neck. He stared down at you but with eyes that burned gold. "Cerberus?" You asked while trying to sit up. He only growled and laid his body on yours. "Hi, princess. Don't worry. I'll be gone in a minute. I just wanted to say that I'll be so pleased when you're completely mine," he smirked before kissing your forehead. You gasped as you felt a tingling sensation where his lips had been. "It's time, Y/N," he smiled before closing his eyes.

You frowned in confusion at Cerberus' words as Joe opened his eyes to reveal his normal self. "Joe? What was he talking about?" You asked as Joe slid his hands under you so that he was cupping your head in one and squeezing your ass in the other. "It's getting harder to control myself. I can't stop thinking about marking you. It's in my nature to crave it and believe me, baby girl, I've been craving it. I need to connect with you. Cerberus is driving me crazy and your scent is only getting stronger," Joe whispered as he looked you right in the eye.

You would be lying if you said a pool of arousal hadn't just made an appearance between your legs but you were also not sure if being marked was something that you were ready for. You and Joe hadn't spoken much about it so you never really prepared yourself for this moment. However, the way Joe stared down at you with nothing but love and pure adoration made you fully aware of how much he truly needed this. If Joe was ever going to be at peace, Cerberus needed to be at peace.

"Okay," you whispered. Joe took a deep breath and nodded before he kissed you sweetly. "I won't hurt you, baby girl. I promise. I-I'll be gentle," he said with a small amount of hesitation in his voice. You frowned and place your hand on his bearded jaw, "Hey, I trust you completely. We both know you would never do anything to hurt me. I love you so much, Joe. Besides, Cerberus would never," you reassured him. Joe chuckled at the mention of his wolf but took another deep breath before he nodded.

He was gentle and you had to keep yourself from smiling at his actions. It was almost like the first time you'd slept together. Only this time Joe was the nervous one. He removed your clothes and his quickly so that the both of you were completely vulnerable. You weren't shy but you blushed anyways because he just stared at you a moment. He then made his way between your legs before he captured your lips with his. You could feel his arousal against your thigh and it only made you wrap your legs around his waist. You were leaking with anticipation and Joe was fully aware of his affect on you. It was one of his favorite things about you. Your pliancy when it came to him.

"I've loved you for such a long time," he whispered as he placed kissed on your jaw. You sighed in contentment but it only turned into a moan as Joe entered you at a slow pace. "M-more," you moaned in frustration. He was being gentle but you needed him to let go. You tightened your legs around his waist and pulled him towards you so that the two of you were connected completely. Joe growled in pleasure as he wrapped his arms around you and place his head in the crook of your neck. He immediately began thrusting his hips which made you tighten your legs around his body. Your nails scratched bluntly against his tattooed bicep while your other hand pulled at his hair. Your face was contorted as you moaned Joe's name. The two of you quickly lathered up a coat of sweat as Joe's thighs clapped against the back of yours. Joe growled lowly in your ear each time he entered you and you just mewled at the feeling of Joe between your legs.

The two of you carried on like you normally did when you made love but when Joe began nipping at your neck you ran your nails down his back as a screaming moan escaped your mouth. "F-fuck!" You yelled before Joe took it upon himself to remove your legs from around his waist and up onto his shoulders. You couldn't help the string of profanities that left you as Joe made love to you harder and faster in a completely different position. He leaned down and continued his actions before his teeth began to sharpen. His eyes quickly flickered back and forth between gold, red, and his own eye color. "Tell me who you belong to!" He demanded as he touched your forehead with his. Tears of pleasure were leaking from your eyes but you answered him anyways, "Y-you." Joe growled at his full potential now as his eyes changed to the same burning gold as earlier. "That's right, princess. You're mine! Only I can make you feel like this. Your entire being belongs to me," Joe growled but you knew it was Cerberus now. You moaned and nodded as you barred you neck. You were ready to marked and Cerberus was eager.

He wasted no time and sank his elongated teeth into your neck causing blood to gush from the fresh wound. You'd thought you'd feel pain but you only felt satisfaction as you reached your climax at a breathtaking rate. You screamed only in pleasure as Cerberus reached his climax as well. The two of you remained breathing heavily as he licked the blood from your neck. The wound healed quickly and only left behind a silver scar. Joe's mark.

Cerberus then looked down at you and released your legs so that they fell limp at his waist. Though his mouth was covered in your blood you smiled up at him and finally understood the feeling he'd been craving. The pure obsession he felt. You suddenly felt that for both he and Joe. "Nobody will ever love you as much as me, princess. I love you more than anything. You are truly a wonder and I can not wait to spend life with you. Until next time," he smiled before he closed his eyes. When they did open it was once again Joe and he smiled down at you with a look of pure admiration. "I can feel your emotions. You're okay," He rejoiced. You nodded and kissed his lips lazily. "I love you," you whispered. You were finally his completely and you couldn't wait to discover what that truly entailed.

Please tell me what you think! Was it cringe? 😂

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