How He Died | Vampires Pt. 2

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WARNING ⚠️ Mentions of graphic topics such as death, murder, and suicide!!! Please seek help if you're having suicidal thoughts! This is a work of FICTION!

Seth: Murdered
A vampire sank it's fangs into Colby as he made his way home. There was no mercy. Colby couldn't yell for help and he couldn't move. His body had grown numb and his blood felt like fire as it trailed down his neck. There was only a moment of pain before his vision faded in and out. His heartbeat poured into his ears as his body panicked. Tears fell down his cheeks as he realized he was dying. He only prayed that his mother would be alright and he prayed that he'd go to a better place. The vampire grinned as he noticed Colby's body go limp. Someone turning only depended on the person. They'd only turn if their body wanted to. He decided to snap Colby's neck for fun before running off into the shadows.

Roman: In A Fire
Joe had been home when a vampire made its way inside. This particular vampire was an arsonist and enjoyed watching his victims burn. The vampire snuck up behind Joe and struck at his back like a snake. Joe yelled out in pain as he turned around to be met with crimson eyes and bloody fangs. "Time to die," the vampire giggled out. Joe stood in shock for a moment but quickly moved away from her as she pulled a lighter out of her pocket. She walked over to the curtains hanging in the living room and set them on fire before she ran to Joe and latched her teeth into Joe's neck before she wrapped her legs around his waist. Joe groaned as he fell to his knees. She was too strong and the smoke filling up his lungs only made trying to survive harder. After the vampire got her fix she watched Joe burn but managed to escape when she noticed he'd turned.

Dean: Suicide
Jonathan had just lost his family to a vampire and living seemed like the worst idea. He was miserable as he reminisced. No amount of liquor made his disturbing thoughts go away. He felt lonely and he couldn't stand living when he failed to protect his family. He sobbed to himself as he sat in a rundown motel room drinking. He'd loaded the small pistol and sat it on the bed next to him. He didn't bother to leave a letter. He just wanted the pain to be over. It happened quickly. So quick that he didn't feel the pain as he hurt himself. However, as Jonathan lay limp on the bed a fresh vampire bite burned on the skin of his back.

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