The Way You Found Out Seth Was A Vampire | Vampires Pt. 3

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Please don't forget to vote and comment! Comment who I should do next. Roman or Dean? I will be doing both but it's up to you who comes next! Enjoy!

In your opinion, Colby had always been a bit strange but you assumed that was just the way he was. You never questioned why he enjoyed blood oozing out of his steak at dinner or why he never seemed to warm up. The feelings you had for him overpowered any curiosity you had. However, you couldn't stop yourself from asking questions when you caught Colby drinking from a blood bag. His elongated canines and bright red eyes were enough to cause tears to spill down your cheeks as your breathing became shallow. You couldn't comprehend what you were seeing and you couldn't stop the scream that left your mouth. Colby's eyes locked on yours as he stood exposed in the middle of his kitchen. You'd come by to surprise him only to find an unrecognizable monster. "Y/N? What are you doing here?" He asked as he slowly approached you. You shook your head and sobbed louder as you shuffled backward. The door was only a few feet away and yet it seemed so far. "Stay away from me!" You yelled as Colby flinched. He'd never seen you in this state. It hurt him in general but knowing that it was because of him made it hurt even more. "Y/N? Sweetheart? Please. I can explain this. Just...don't be afraid. I would never hurt you," he responded with his hands up in surrender. Your eyes shifted towards the half-empty blood bag sitting on the kitchen counter before you stared Colby right in the eye."Y-you're a psychopath. Yeah. Those are contacts and fake teeth. You're j-just a crazy man who likes to drink blood and play dress up. You need medication," you rambled in an effort to counsel yourself. Believing that he was somehow mentally unstable was easier than trying to figure out what Colby really was. "Baby, please," Colby begged as he tried to come towards you again. You put your hand up before you screamed for him to stop. "You stay away from me! Don't come after me, Colby. I mean it. I don't know what the hell is going on here b-but I know I don't want anything to do with you," you spat before you turned around to leave. You were almost at the door when Colby appeared in front of you at an inhuman speed. You screamed and pushed him away only for him to catch your forearms and pressed his forehead against yours. You stared into his red eyes and sobbed as he allowed fresh tears to fall down his cheeks. "I would never hurt you. You have to know that I love you more than anyone I've loved in a very long time. If I lost you I would be nothing. I have been so lonely for so many years until you showed up. You are the very reason that I exist.  Please just let me explain," he whispered. You took a deep breath and nodded before he began explaining everything.

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