The Way You Found Out Dean Was A Vampire | Vampires Pt. 4

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WARNING ⚠️ Mentions of cutting! PLEASE SEEK HELP IF YOU'RE CUTTING!!! This is a work of FICTION!

Jonathan had been acting strange since you'd asked him why he always so cold. Since the two of you had gotten together he'd been perfect but then he started keeping his distance. He stopped answering your calls after a while and he even ignored you when you went to his apartment. You'd knocked on the door for an hour before you came to the conclusion that he didn't want you anymore. You came to terms with this and kept your distance. You were doing alright until you remembered little things about Jonathan. Like the way he recoiled at the mention of his body temperature and the little scrapes he'd leave on your neck after a make out session. You'd passed them off as hickeys but in your mind you knew that was not the case. You began doing research and what you found shocked you and had you doubting yourself. He couldn't be a vampire. There was no way the man you'd been loving was made up creature. It was far too rare for something as unbelievable as this to happen to you. However, despite your doubts you found yourself at Jonathan's doorstep with a pocket knife in hand. You needed to know for sure if he was what you thought. Instead of knocking you gathered the key from under the welcome mat and let yourself in. Jonathan sat on the couch with wide eyes and disheveled hair. His place was dark and seemed morbid. You shed a tear as you took a deep breath. "I've been trying to figure out why you'd just disappear from my life after such a silly question. I may be crazy Jonathan but that's what love does to a person. It makes us crazy and it makes us believe in things that shouldn't be," you whispered before you lifted your wrist and sliced a shallow cut. The wound bled a fair amount and suddenly Jonathan was at your side. "What the hell are you doing? Cutting yourself is stupid!" He growled as he covered the wound with his hand in an attempt to stop the bleeding. You ripped your arm away and sobbed before you swallowed all of your fear and hesitation. "It smells good doesn't it, Jon? Good enough to drink," you said in a cracking voice. Jonathan shook his head and pretended to be shocked. "Y/N I don't know what the hell is going on but you need first aid," he responded. You shook your head and let out a small chuckle before you sliced your other wrist but deeper this time. "You better tell me, Jonathan. You better tell me if my blood is appetizing to you or I'll keep cutting!" You yelled. You were a mess at this point. From being abandoned by the man you loved to hurting yourself to find out the truth. Everything was becoming too much but you wouldn't stop until you got the truth. Jonathan growled and snatched the knife away from you before he latched his mouth onto your wrist. You sighed in satisfaction before he pulled away. The rest of the evening was spent cleaning and wrapping your wounds while Jonathan told you the truth for the first time.

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