Roman Reassures You That He'll Be Alright

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Hello, everyone! Here's an update. It's been a while and I feel like this preference is fitting considering circumstances. I personally believe Joe is a fighter and if he could tell us not to worry the way I know we have been he would. Drop a '🧡' in the comments!

You couldn't believe the news. You'd never thought something like this could happen to someone you loved dearly. You couldn't help the lump in your throat. You could barely breathe. Why was the universe being so unfair? Someone as kind and hardworking as Joe was suffering and there was nothing you could do to change it. He was going to have to leave work. He was going to have to relinquish the title he'd been working so hard for. He was going to have to leave his WWE family. You felt selfish as you realized you hadn't said anything to him since you'd seen the announcement on the screen backstage. He stood silently before you as you processed the information. He couldn't think of a way to tell you so he decided to tell you while he told the world. You quickly dried your tears and hugged him closer than you probably had before. "I love you," was all you could say as you tightened your arms around him. He simply kissed the top of your head. "I love you too. I know you're sad and mad. I know you feel like this shouldn't be happening but it's reality and it's something we're going to deal with the same way we've dealt with everything else. I'm not giving up and I don't want you to give up either. This is just a chapter and it'll be over soon. We're going to be alright. I'm going to be alright. I'm going to kick this disease's ass and come back a stronger man. It's not in my blood to lay down and take defeat. Everything is going to be fine, baby girl. Just be patient." He whisperedD in your ear as you sobbed into his chest. The two of you stood there hugging and as you did you realized that Joe Anoa'i is not going anywhere and he's going to come back a better man than he ever was.

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