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Hella superised y'all didn't ask me how old I am or what's my favorite color 😂 But here are the answers to the questions submitted.

Favorite member of The Shield?
If you're asking when it comes to looks I'd have to say Roman. Roman is gorgeous and I'd bang him for sure! When it comes to wrestling I'd have to say Seth. Seth's technique is beautiful in the ring. He's absolutely amazing when gets fired up

Fuck, Marry, Kill (Shield Edition)
I'd fuck Seth because he'd be a hot side piece!
I'd marry Roman because duh! He's fine as hell!
I'd kill Dean. I love him but his brothers have my heart.

If a superstar was to join The Shield who would you want it to be?
Personally I wouldn't mind seeing The Usos or Nia Jax. The Usos because they share the same energy as Seth and Dean but they also have that same tone as Roman. They're high fliers with southern attitudes. Nia Jax because I think she'd be able to keep up with the boys. They wouldn't have to look down at her and she'd be just as threatening as Roman, Seth, and Dean.

Fuck, Marry, Kill (Roman Reigns, Dolph Ziggler, Finn Balor)
I'd fuck Dolph because he may get on my nerves but I ain't mad at his body.
I'd marry Roman because he's obviously bomb as hell.
I'd kill Finn because I'm not attracted to him.

What made you start watching WWE?
One night my mom was flipping through the channels on tv and I saw Edge getting married to Vicki and thought it was interesting so I asked my mom to stay on the channel. We all enjoyed it and kept watching.

Would you be willing to update more than once a week?
I would love to but I currently have other obligations so I can't update more than once a week. I already struggle with finding time to update so for now the answer is no.

Favorite Supernatural character?
I obviously love Sam, Dean, and Castiel but Crowley's humor kills me so he's my favorite!

What made you become a Shield fan?
My brother was watching The Shield highlights on YouTube and I fell in love with their characters. I love how they carry themselves and how they perform in the ring. It's a plus that they're hot too!

Do you watch SmackDown?
I watch every now and then but I mostly watch highlights because I don't have the time to watch the whole night.

What do you think of what's been going on on SmackDown?
I think Samoa Joe and AJ Styles' current storyline is hilarious and both entertaining!

What do you think of R-Truth and Carmella?
I actually like them as a team. They seem to compliment each other well.

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