Chapter III: Timothy

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It's 9:13pm and already been 2 hours since Shelly was kicked out of the taxi. She has no money, no shelter, no food, and no other pair of clothing. But Shelly does feel comfortable in the outfit she's wearing. She's wearing a silver leather jacket, a stretchy black shirt underneath, yoga pants and converse shoes. Yeah, it's a pretty revealing outfit... Not exactly.

Shelly spent the last 2 hours finding her suitcase. She couldn't find it and decided to just find her dad's apartment on her own. She went into a huge crowd on the side walk. She couldn't stand the fact that New York City is one of the biggest populated cities out there. The crosswalk sign changed to go and the crowd started moving, so did Shelly.

As she made it across the street, she goes to a nearby JC Penny and goes up to a mirror to make sure she's not dirty. She looks at her clothes, then she turns around to see behind. She sees her shoes got dirty after stepping on a muddy puddle.

Shelly- "Damn."

She goes up to the cashier asks her where the bathrooms are?

Shelly- "Excuse me?"

The cashier goes up to Shelly while chewing gum.

Cashier- "Can I help you?"

Shelly- "Do you know where the women's restroom is?"

The cashier points at the direction where the restrooms are. Shelly looks at the direction she was pointing and follows it. When she went into the restroom, Shelly pulls gets paper towels and cleans up her shoes.

Shelly- "Son of a bitch, these were brand new." (Mumbled)

Shelly recalls for a moment about what just happened a few hours ago. It was so frightening how the taxi driver screamed at her. The way he threatened her was like a near death experience, like if she didn't leave the taxi right away, he would have killed her. Shelly turns around and goes to the bathroom stall behind her and closes the metal door. She puts the toilet seat down to sit down and think about how she is going to survive out there.

She goes through her pockets to look for some spare money. There was nothing. Suddenly, a very loud noise scared Shelly for a moment and she stayed quiet. It was someone who slammed the bathroom door open. Footsteps were heard.

It sounded like who ever was that person was getting close to Shelly's position. She was the only one in the bathroom until this person came in. Shelly saw the person's feet, it looked like who ever this person was was wearing dirty men boots. The person went to the stall beside Shelly, closed the door, lifted the toilet bowl, and started urinating while standing up. It was obviously a man.

Shelly stayed quiet and lifted her feet off the floor. She was wondering why there was a man in the women's restroom. When he was done urinating, he opened the door without flushing the toilet. He goes up to the sinks and turns one of them on. Shelly takes a peek from the crack.

She sees a middle aged man washing his hands and cigarette smoke coming out of his mouth. He was breathing really heavily. Loud enough to make Shelly nervous. Shelly silently sat back on the toilet seat and didn't move a muscle. Just a few seconds later, Shelly's phone fell out of her pocket with the screen facing the floor.

She immediately picked it up and put it between her legs. The man heared the phone fall and turned around. It got silent for a moment. He goes up to Shelly's stall. He tries to open the door but it was occupied.
Shelly- "Excuse me, there's someone in here."

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