Chapter IX: The night is over

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Shelly and Tim finally make it back to lower Manhattan by taking 2 subway trains. While in the first train, Shelly pulled out the bag of skittles she brought from home and shared half with Tim. When they got on the second train andsat down:
Shelly- "A drunk man attacked me at JC Penny."

Tim looks at Shelly.

Tim- "What?"

Shelly- "I was in the women's restroom. A guy trapped me in the stall I was in. Until someone pepper sprayed him... That's why you heard screaming earlier. That was me."

Tim- "...... I don't know what to say. I'll I can think of is... Thank God you're ok."

Shelly- "I know. Tonight has been tough... For both of us... I don't even know if I'm close to seeing my dad... Or getting you home to your family."

Tim puts his hand on Shelly's left shoulder.

Tim- "Atleast we're still alive... After losing our stuff, to not having money, to two guys who've been trying to kill us all night, to a massive collision, a mad dog, to entering a bad neighborhood, and we just survived an explosion. One thing that made me happy tonight... Was meeting you."

Shelly looks at Tim in the eyes and smiles at him.

Shelly- "You're such a good friend."

She lays on his right shoulder like earlier. When they got off the train, it was 2:06am.

Shelly- "Tim, what time is it?"

Tim looks at his watch.

Tim- "It's already 2 in the morning."

Shelly- "Shit. Tim, this is hopeless. We'll never find my dad. (Starts crying)"

Tim- "Shelly don't say that."

Shelly- "I haven't seen him in 8 years and I've been up all night surviving the streets of Manhattan."

Tim- "Shelly, don't cry. Everything is gonna be ok."

Shelly- "How can you be sure? (Sarcastically)"

Tim- "Eh... How about we find a place to rest."

Shelly- "Like what, a bench...(Continues crying). I need water."

Tim- "...... Come on. Let's go find some then."

The wealthy man looking for a girl at the time square was with his uber. He couldn't find the girl he's been looking for all night. He sees two people walking all of the sudden.

Wealthy man- "Casey, wait here, I'm gonna talk to those people."

He gets out of the car. He gets closer to them and soon starts to recognize the girl in front of him.

Wealthy man- "Excuse me. You two, do you know..."

He pauses for a moment. He doesn't believe what he's seeing. It turned out the two people were Shelly and Tim. They turned to him.

Wealthy man- "......Shelly?"

Shelly- "...... Dad?"

The man looks at the paper again. It was a printed picture of Shelly's high school photo. He looks at Shelly again.

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