Chapter VI: An exciting getaway

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When Shelly and Tim arrived at the nearest train station, Shelly slid down the stairs's rails while Tim went down by jumping over 2-3 steps without tripping. They rushed to the train. The taxi drivers run as fast as they can to the train. Tim and Shelly made it into the train. They were at the slide door hoping it closes on time before the taxi drivers get to them.

Shelly and Tim- "3. 2. 1..."

*Slide door closes*

The drivers were at the door but they didn't make it. Tim and Shelly smiled, faced each other, and hugged each other with excitement. They go up to the door's window. They were making faces, calling the guys names, flipping them off.

Driver 1: "You kids are so lucky that you're inside that train away from us!"

Shelly- "Good luck getting to us now."

They high five each other.

Driver 2- "You won't get away from us. We'll find you!"

Tim- "I'll like to see you try." (Grin)

The train starts moving and the guys start running to the same direction the train was going. Tim and Shelly were watching them run through the window until they hit a concrete pillar for not paying attention What's in front of them. Shelly and Tim started laughing for what they just witnessed through a window. The taxi drivers got up from the ground.

Driver 2- "Wait, you never told me why we're chasing those kids."

Driver 1- "It's a long story... Wait... I got an idea, follow me."

The both drivers ran out of the subway and got in the same vehicle. Back to Shelly and Tim: They sat down.

Tim- "Shelly."

Shelly- "Yes Tim."

Tim- "What do you want to do now that you're done with high school?"

Shelly- "My friend from Montana wants me to help her with her singing career and my mom said I'm so good at parkour that I should be a stunt woman. But I want to be a model."

Tim- "Nice. I want to be an author."

Shelly- "Really? (Sarcastically)"

Tim- "Yeah. I mean there's alot of authors I always look up to. But my main goal in life is getting my favorite car."

Shelly- "What's your favorite car?"

Tim- "2018 Audi R8 V10 Plus."

Shelly- "Ohh, that's my favorite car too."

Tim- "Really?"

Shelly- "Yeah."

Tim- "That's awesome."

After having a huge conversation about the Audi R8:
Shelly- "Anyways, I hope you reach your dream."

Tim- "I hope you become who you want to be."

Shelly- "Aww. Thanks."

Shelly suddenly yawns and lays her head on Tim's shoulder.

Tim- "...You tired?"

Shelly- *nodded* "Mhm. (Quietly)"

Tim- "Me too."

Shelly closes her eyes slowly. And when they were completely closed. Tim watches her sleep on him. He smiled. But he looked away a few seconds later. An old African-American lady watched to two while sitting on the other side of the train.

Woman- "She your girlfriend?"

Tim- "... Oh um... No... No she's... She's a friend."

Woman- "She's beautiful."

Tim looks at Shelly while she sleeps.

Tim- "She is huh."

*Tim Yawns*

Woman- "Have some rest. You look like your going through some stuff."

Tim- "We're lost. We don't know where to go. And out phones are dead so... We can't call our families."

Woman- "If you need a place to stay, you can trust me. Here's my address... I'll be up all night."

The woman gives Tim a piece of small paper. It showed her apartment complex's address and her room number.

Tim- "Thank you. You're very kind."

The woman smiles.

Tim falls asleep. He started dreaming.

Tim's dream:
Tim wakes up on a red chair. It was dark, but a red light started shining and lighting up the area infront of Tim. He covered his eyes because the red light was so bright. Then old music started playing in the background. Infront of him was Shelly dressed in a glittery outfit.
She was standing on a stage.

Tim- "Shelly?" (Smiles)

Shelly turns her head towards Tim and smiles.

Shelly- "Hi Timmy."

She blow kisses him.

Tim- "Whoa..."

He looks around. It was just him and her.

Tim- "Where are we Shelly?"

Shelly gets off the stage, walks up to Tim, and puts her hands on his hands.

Shelly- "Don't worry about that. It's just you... Me... (Then whispers into Tim's ear) And no one else."

Shelly kisses Tim on the cheek, unzips his sweater and rips his shirt.

Tim- "Shelly, what are you doing?"

Shelly- "... When are you gonna tell me you love me Timothy?"

Shelly gets on the chair with Tim. Wraps her arms around his neck and attempts to kiss him. Tim does the same thing until they got closer and...

*Train horn sounds*

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