Chapter 4

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The sun was slowly rising by the time the RV returned, pulling up where it was parked a few hours ago. You knew Rick was still alive when you heard him breathing heavily as Negan dragged him back out the RV, dumping him out in front of the group.

"Here we are. Let me ask you something, Rick. Do you even know what that little trip was about? Speak when you're spoken to." Negan ordered causing you to look up at the two of them as you watched the next few minutes unfold around you. You weren't really paying much attention, too focused on the pain in your stomach, but you knew everyone had a gun to the back of their head and when you looked up over at Rick and Negan you saw Carl lying on the ground with Rick holding his axe above his arm. Oh no.

"Rick." Negan suddenly said just he was about to cut Carl's arm and you heard everyone around you sigh softly with relief before Negan began talking again. "You answer to me. You provide for me. You belong to me, right? Speak when you're spoken to! You answer to me. You provide for me. You belong to me, right?!" Negan yelled as he grabbed Ricks jaw who quickly nodded.

"Right." Rick gasped as Negan let him go standing up to look over at the rest of you.

"That is the look I wanted to see. We did it all of us, together even the dead guys on the ground. Hell, they get the spirit award, for sure. Today was a productive damn day! Now, I hope, for all your sake that you get it now that you understand how things work. Things have changed. Whatever you had going for you that is over now." Negan stated as his eyes scanned over the group of you before he stopped at Daryl.

"Dwight, load him up." Negan ordered pointing his bat at Daryl and you stared in absolute shock as Dwight grabbed Daryl by the shoulders pushing him towards the van.

"No!" You screamed sitting up slightly straighter as you watched Dwight shove Daryl into the back of the van. "Don't! Please. Take me instead. No! Daryl!" You shouted, tears pouring down your cheeks, but you could see Daryl shaking his head from inside the van telling you shut up as Dwight slammed the doors shut.

"He's got guts. Not a little bitch like someone I know. I like him. He's mine now. But you still want to try something? 'Not today, not tomorrow?' I will cut pieces off of... Hell's his name?" Negan questioned, kneeling next to Rick as he looked over at Simon.

"Daryl." The man replied, and Negan chuckled.

"Wow. That actually sounds right. I will cut pieces off of Daryl and put them on your doorstep. Or better yet, I will bring him to you and have you do it for me." Negan said as he patted Rick on the back before standing up looking over at all of you. "Ahh! Welcome to a brand-new beginning, you sorry shits! I'm gonna leave you a truck. Keep it. Use it to cart all the crap you're gonna find me. We'll be back for our first offering in one week. Until then ta-ta." Negan said as he threw Rick's axe onto the ground before he and his men all climbed into various cars, driving off leaving nothing but a truck and the RV for you.

Nobody moved. You glanced over at the group for a second, everyone sitting on the ground with their heads down, still trying to process what just happened. You moved slightly so you were sitting down on your side, leaning on your right arm as you wrapped your left one around your stomach trying to dull the cramping pain coming from abdomen. They took Daryl. He's gone...

"Maggie... Maggie." You heard Rick call causing you to look up to find her slowly walking towards Glen's body. She looked so pale and weak, but you were glad she didn't have the fever or pain anymore. "Maggie you need to sit down. We need to get you to the Hilltop." Rick said as he stood up walking over to her.

"You need to get ready." Maggie replied in a broken voice as she continued walking towards Glen.

"For what?" Rick asked as he watched her cautiously.

You're Not Alone Pt. 2 ( Daryl Dixon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now