Chapter 10

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You had found the motorcycles without any trouble. With half of the Saviours out with Negan, not many were walking around the building, much less standing on guard outside. As Dwight had told you the bike closest to the door matched the key he had given you and you noticed a golden 50 calibre desert eagle handgun placed on the motorcycles seat. You quickly grabbed the handgun, taking in the features of the pristine weapon for a split second before tucking it into your belt and climbing onto the motorcycle.

Five minutes later you were riding down the road, the Sanctuary disappearing in the side mirrors of the Harley Davidson as you made your way towards Hilltop. You knew the Saviours were on their way as well so you took the shortcut through the back roads, hoping like hell that you could get there before Negan and warn everyone.

You glanced down checking how much fuel was left in the bike to find it was still three quarters full, but you didn't have time to be relieved about it because when you looked back up at the road a dozen or so walkers stumbled out from the woods right in front of you.

"God damnit." You muttered, swerving to miss a few of them but you turned too sharply and before you knew what was happening the bike suddenly flipped and you hit the ground, tumbling down the road a few metres before landing on your side.

"Shit." You groaned, your body erupting in pain as you tried to sit yourself up on the ground and you looked over your body to make sure you were okay. Your bare arms were covered in blood and dirt, but luckily your legs were covered by your jeans which resulted in only a few scratches over your thighs.

You felt something wet slowly drip down the side of your face and you knew it was blood, but you didn't have time to check where it was coming from as you heard the familiar sound of walkers groaning from behind you.

Acting on instinct you quickly got to your feet, nearly falling back down on the ground as your right leg buckled from underneath you. Looking down at your leg you noticed a thick cut through your jeans exposing a deep gash in your thigh that was oozing blood. Fucking perfect.

You didn't have time to deal with it at the moment or to wonder how you didn't notice it before, there were walkers coming towards you and suddenly your survival instincts kicked in. You quickly pulled the desert eagle from your belt as you turned around to find the ten walkers stumbling towards you. You didn't want to waste your ammo, knowing 50 calibre desert eagles only held seven bullets in its magazine, but you didn't have any other weapons so you pulled the slide back, cocking the gun as you aimed at the first walker before squeezing the trigger.

You watched the walker hit the ground before you aimed at the next pulling the trigger. You continued taking down the walkers until you ran out of bullets, your handgun making that dreadful clicking noise indicating that the magazine was empty.

You had to think of something and think of something quick. The last three walkers heading straight for you as you scanned the ground where you sat and spotted a rock a few metres away. That was gonna have to do.

You quickly crawled over to the rock, ignoring the sharp pain coming from your thigh before you turned around, just in time as the first walker landed on top of you. A surprised yelp left your mouth as you held the walker's shoulders to stop its snapping jaws from biting your face before you slammed the rock into the side of its head and it dropped to the ground dead besides you.

Half a second later the last two walkers stumbled towards you and your eyes landed on the metal crowbar sticking out the larger walkers' shoulder. You needed that crowbar, but there was no way you could get it while on the ground.

Clenching your jaw tightly you forced yourself up onto your feet, ignoring the pain in your thigh as you pushed the other walker away before turning your attention to the crowbar in the larger walker.

You're Not Alone Pt. 2 ( Daryl Dixon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now